Part 2: Over board

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The next day Serenity was woken early and brought on a huge ship with 'SMOKER MARINE' written in big letters on the sail. Once again cuffed she was escorted inside, then downstairs, where the cells for the prisoners were located.
"She's not to be brought to the cells!" a female voice called out and as Serenity craned her head backwards to a blue-haired woman with glasses and a sword. "But lieutenant Tashigi" the marine with was holding Serenity started but was quickly stopped "It's Smoker's order"
The man was confused "Why?" "Because she would open the lock within a few seconds and then she's gone" Smoker himself answered the question. He came towards the trio and Serenity felt a soft tickling in her stomach at his sight. "These are the newest and most difficult to open locks offered" the marine soldier tried to explain but his superior waved of "She'll open them anyway. I tested her"
It was true. After the interrogation, Serenity at least had to show him her talent to open all sorts of locks. They actually had fun together and she felt flattered when he had admitted that he was impressed.
"Locking her up only will bring us a runaway, no alley"
True. Inside the ship she could never be sure that they actually were sailing towards the right island or if they would bring her to another prison. Her little sister was all she had left and if it means to go back to this bastard then it would be it that way.
"She will get a normal room" Smoker decided then he looked at the red head "Come one I'll show it to you" He turned around and walked off "And take off the cuffs. I'm sure you already opened them anyway"
She did and placed them in the hands of the dumbfounded marine, then jogged after Smoker, who had a light smirk on his face.
"So this will be yours" he opened the door to small but nice room.
"Thanks" Serenity smiled at him but he waved it off, though you could have sworn that you saw the lightest blush on his face "It's all right" "I mean that you allow me some freedom" she explained with a sad smile one her face "I hadn't any in a while"
Smoker placed a hand under her chin and lifting it up. When he whipped something of her cheek, she realized that she was crying.
"Don't worry" his serious gaze was filled with a silent promise "We get this bastard and save your sister"
She quickly dried her tears and smiled at him "Thank you"

Later she stood at the railing and looked out at the sea. The worry and fear for her little sister had a tight grip on her heart.
The wood of the railing was about to splitter under her tight grip when she heard a male voice "Hey, babe"
With her brows furrowed she turned around to find the marine that had escorted her on the ship.      

He sauntered over, his hands in the pockets of his pants, a flirty smile on his face

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He sauntered over, his hands in the pockets of his pants, a flirty smile on his face. Stopping right in front of Serenity, he placed his hands beside her on the railing and trapped her in between "I just can't see a woman suffering" he told her in a semi-seductive voice, then leaned in closer to whisper in her ear "So, why don't we go to my room and I'll cheer you up a little"

"Not interested" she replied and pushed passed him. She didn't get far as her wrist was grabbed and she spun around. She crashed into his chest and her other wrist was also grabbed tightly.
The flirty smile on the guys face was gone, instead he looked angered. "I see. Smoker's little pet thinks she's too good for me" he tightened his grip painfully "Was it fun to get fucked by him? By the strong, manly Smoker?"
Serenity wasn't quite sure why he was that furious but it kind of scared you. He let go of one of her hands and dragged her with him "I'll show you what a real man is"

After Smoker had left Serenity to inspect her room, he'd gone to his office to do some paperwork, though you weren't able to finish much. All the time he had to think about that woman. Never had he met one like her, strong, smart and beautiful. Of course, Tashigi is strong, as is Hina and she does look good but Serenity had something special that made him want....more.
Smoker shook his head as he realized what he was thinking and decided to go outside to clear your mind.
When he stepped out the door and looked around the ship from his balcony. Serenity's crimson hair immediately drew his gaze towards her.
He scowled when you saw one of his marines walk over to her, getting close to her. Too close for his taste. A growl escaped his throat when the man pulled her against him and whispered something in her ear. From the crossed out look on her face it became clear that she didn't like what he was telling her.
A few seconds later he tried to pull her with and Smoker immediately realized what he was trying to do. He jumped down the balcony, landing right in front of them.
"Captain" the marine exclaimed and immediately let go of Serenity's wrist. "I just, er-" "Shut up!" Smoker barked and the man took a step back, only to bump into Serenity, who didn't move an inch.
"Get out of my sight. I think about your punishment when we're back in Logue Town"
He didn't hesitate and ran off and when he was gone, Smoker looked at Serenity, who was rubbing her wrists "You all right?" She nodded "Thank you" "Why didn't you just beat him?" Smoker wanted to know "You nearly knocked out all of my man when you intruded the station. Why holding back now?" "Well, I'm a prisoner here and I think it's not a good idea to make all marines here have something against me" she explained thoughtfully and he had to admit she was right "Next time just knock him out" she looked at the captain surprised "But-" "You have my permission as long as you protect yourself"
A wide smirk spread on her face "All right" she agreed and Smoker laughed out loudly. You really liked this woman.
"But what was with this guy" Serenity wondered and shuddered as she remembered the look in his eyes "He turned so furious all of sudden and told me he would show me how much of a real man is compared to you"
Smoker just sighed and shook your head "A woman he once liked turned him down" he explained and Serenity had an idea about what was coming next "She had a thing for me. He never got over it completely"
Yep, exact what she'd thought, and you were surprised how jealous she felt "Were you and her, I mean were you a-" "Couple?" Smoker finished and nodded. "No, we weren't. She was too young and definitely not my type" "Then what is your type?" she asked relieved and with a flirty smile on your lips. Smoker just smirked and walked of "Come on. I already have seen that I can't leave you alone"
Serenity spent most of the day with Smoker, who seemed strangely protective over the woman and glared at every marine that came too close. Smoker had showed her around the ship and she were surprised to see there not only were rooms for all the marines, a cafeteria and a infirmary but also a huge training area. He suggested to train together and she didn't hesitate to say yes, especially since he'd shed his jacket.
While they were fighting against each other she couldn't help but notice how his muscles flexed under his skin and the power stuck in his body.
By the end of session she lying exhausted on the floor and was sure that a new generation of butterflies had been born in her stomach.
"Wanna sleep on the floor tonight?" Smoker, who was standing over her, asked amused. "Maybe" every muscle in her body arched. "Carry me" you ordered childishly and stretched herr arms up. Smoker chuckled and to her surprise actually lifted her up, carrying her bridal style out of the training area.
Serenity didn't realize how tired she had until her eyelids became heavy. She fell asleep in his arms.

Some time later she was woken up by the strong swaying of the ship. "What's going on here?" she mumbled still sleepy. When her mind cleared you heard wind blowing outside and rain and waves hitting the ship. A storm.
She quickly jumped up and slipped in her shoes, then headed outside to help if needed.
On deck was chaos. Marines ran around the slippery deck and orders were screamed, half of them swallowed by the wind. It only took a few seconds until Serenity was soaked to the bone but she helped where she was needed.
When everything had calmed a little, Smoker walked over "You did great" his voice hoarse from all the shouting.
Before she could reply, a huge wave hit the side of the ship, causing it to be more horizonal than diagonal. Serenity lost her balance and tumbled backwards, then slipped on the wet wood and hit the railing. Smoker tried to grip her hand, but it was too late and she fell into the freezing water.
The second she hit it, she felt the strength being drawn from her body and though she tried to get back to the surface there was no use. She sank like a stone and soon was engulfed by darkness. Her last thought was her white-haired marine officer.

Smoker stood at the railing and looked into the stormy water, waiting for Serenity to come up again. But she didn't. He wished to be able to jump after her. For once in his life he cursed the power of the devil fruit.
"Get her out!" he shouted at no one in particular, just kept staring at the black water, trying hard to find a red spot somewhere.
Why doesn't she come up? Wait, did she...? Smoker couldn't finish his thoughts because finally someone had pulled Serenity out of the water.
He ran over to her as they laid her down. She was unconscious, her skin and lips blue but as he pressed his hand to her chest, her heart was still beating strong.
He wrapped her in your blanket, that had been handed to him, then brought her to the infirmary.
Though he wanted nothing more than to stay by her side, he was the captain on this ship and you had to bring his crew through the storm.
"Take good care of her" he barked at the doc and the nurses, then you banged the door shut and walked back up.

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