Last Straw

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Jacqueline Kennedy sits with her legs folded neatly on a fading oriental carpet. She is in the private residence of the White House—a place she's called home for almost year now—playing with her two children.

Though the role of America's First Lady was demanding, Jackie always made time for her family.

John was only about a year old—a careless toddler who was still stumbling on his feet and putting anything within reach into his mouth. Caroline, on the other hand, was 4 years old and had a mind almost as sharp as her father's.

The 4 year old jabbered on to her mother about the insightful things she had absorbed at preschool earlier that day. John simply toddled around the room before plopping into his mother's lap.

"That's wonderful, sweetie." Jackie says swiping a hand across daughter's small cheek.

Jackie loved her children immensely. They were her babies...her and Jacks babies.

Jack. The thought of him made her blood boil. She fought the urge to tighten her hands into fists, reminding herself quickly to stay composed in front of the children.

Inside, however, she had reached an ultimate breaking point with her husband. Seven years of reckless behavior behind his wife's back does not go unnoticed. She was not the helpless little trophy wife of Jack Kennedy's that the world saw her as. She knew damn well of her husband's behavior and had enough. Now that they were in the White House, she would not let herself be humiliated in front of an entire country.

"What's wrong mummy?" Caroline asks. Jackie had been silent for almost a minute thinking of her husband.

"Nothing baby." Jackie says snapping out of her daze. She kisses her daughter then kisses her son's head. Little John was babbling on about something in baby talk.

Just then, Jack comes through the door.

"Daddy!!!" Caroline screams and runs to her father, followed by her shrieking brother.

"Hey there, buttons." Jack says kissing his daughter. "And you!" He grumbles picking up John jr. The boy squeals and giggles as his father tickled him.

Jackie can't help but smile watching Jack with the children. So loving. So natural. If only he could give his wife such undivided love.

All the tickles and giggles in the world couldn't change how she felt. She is angry, and she wasn't sure it would go away this time.

"Hey." Jack says walking up to Jackie who was still sitting on the floor. He waited for her to rise and embrace him as she normally did, but instead she rises to her feet, glances at him coldly, and abruptly speaks.

"Kids, go wash up for bed. Caroline, bring John to Miss Shaw, I'll be there in just a second."

The two giddy children run down the hall to find their Nanny. Jackie swiftly walks to her room leaving Jack. He soon follows.

"I uh... saw what you did in the green room. The decor looks very nice." Jack says trying to break the silence. He set down his brief case an upholstered chair in the corner of her bedroom.

Jackie nods her head and begins packing a suitcase. "I'm taking the kids with me to Virginia tomorrow." she states matter of factly.

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow's only Wednesday" Jack says confused. She normally only went for the weekends.

"So?" Jackie says glaring at him. "I'll be back for the state dinner on Saturday."

Jack rubs the back of his neck and lets out an exasperated sigh. "What the hells wrong now, Jackie?" Jack demands, annoyed.

"Look, I'm not in the mood to fight so maybe you should just leave."

"No" Jack responds. "Why are you acting like this? God forbid I want to have a relaxing evening with my wife and kids. Now you're being all moody and taking them away? Good god, Jackie!"

"You know, for the president of the United States, you're really not as smart as one would think." she says folding more clothes. "Oh, and don't worry, you don't need your wife and kids. I'm sure you'll have plenty of company to come home to this week. Maybe even that new intern I saw you talking to in the Lincoln bedroom will spend some quality time with you." Her stone cold tone pierces the room.

"Is that what this is about?" Jack sighs. "I was just giving her a tour."

"Oh, a tour!" Jackie says sarcastically, slamming her suitcase shut. "How foolish of me! I was under the impression that you were the president, not some fucking tour guide!" she snaps. "Seriously Jack, how dumb do you think I am?!"

"Jackie c'mon"

"No Jack! I'm done with all this crap. I really am." She says putting her hands on her face.

"Would I do anything to embarrass myself like that? I mean give it a rest!" Jack argues.

"You are embarrassing me." Jackie replies sternly.

"I'm not going to embarrass you! You know that!"

"No—you know what? It's not even about embarrassing me. I just—I can't." Jackie says turning around, trying to hide the pent-up emotions that are stinging her eyes.

"Fine, then what is this about? Huh?" Jack asks, irritated.

"I can't." Jackie chokes quietly.

"What? You can't just tell me why your so goddam cold all of the sudden?! You always do this Jackie. I can't keep up with these fucking mood swings for yours!"

"Fine! You want to know! You hurt me Jack!" Jackie screams with tears in her eyes. "You're not just embarrassing me, your hurting me!" Her voice was trembles with pain. "I love you so much Jack Kennedy, and I have to live knowing that you don't even feel half of what I do—and it's hell! The fact that you can even touch another women knowing that you have children at home, children that look up to you, children that we made together, it just shows me what kind of man you are!" Tears stream down her cheeks. "Does our marriage mean shit to you?! Christ, I can't even trust you when we're in the same house now! Day in and day out, I have to live knowing that whatever I do isn't enough for you! I can't live like this anymore!" Jackie's voice leaves the room shaking.

Jack is silent. Stunned. Jackie sits down on the bed and puts her head in her hands.

"I think you should go." She says composing herself and wiping her tears.

"No...kid wait..."

"Leave!" She demands.

Jack obliges and mopes to his room. Guilt presses at his shoulders, slumping them a bit. He wanted to be just as good as a husband as he was a father. He tried his best to keep his infidelities away from Jackie, but she wasn't a naive little wife like he tried to convince himself.

He did love her. Her chocolate hair. Her wide set eyes. Her soft lips. The way she laughed. Her wit and intelligence. How she cared so much about her clothes. The mother she was to his children. The way her hands felt on his face. The smell of her Chanel perfume. He loved it all.

From the moment he locked eyes with that giggly, shy brunette all those years ago, he knew his future belonged to her. She was everything to him, and he knew he was pretty bad at showing it. She deserved so much more.

In that moment, he had a strange urge to be in her arms. He couldn't though. He didn't deserve to be in them.

He just didn't know what to say. He could ramble on all day about the economy and foreign policy, but communicating about feelings seemed impossible.

He decided to say goodnight to his kids instead. He could always talk to them.

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