date and some fun!

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izzy sansy

Awww sorry that glitch hurt you...and if your out long i could tell ink your with me so ink won't know about da date :3 and for fresh how many kids you and pj gonna have?~ hm?~ *looks at fresh smirking*

pjs pov: 

thanks..................... that's really nice *cries a little* (you have found out pj is sensitive)

freshs pov: 

*whole face is blushing* ......... I kind of want to "do it with her* I don't know about kids but if she becomes prego(hint hint ;)     ) then I will love that bump, the mommy and the baby and I will be THE BEST FATHER EVER!

PJ: *tps back to home and fresh tps to*

pj: im ready to go baka *is blushing*

fresh: ok babe

pj: *ignores it this time*

fresh: *picks pj up* your really light and short pj

pj: yeah I know please dont rub it in

fresh: I did not mean it like that honey *tps to the movies*

pj: you're so good at it *Hugs fresh getting off of him*

fresh: *blushes* yeah well what do you want to eat it's all on me!

pj: wait!?! what really freshy *Blushes aton after hearing what she said*

fresh:anything for you

pj: I want popcorn please and nerds :3 is that ok 

fresh: anything for you my dudette *fresh orders a popcorn for them to share and nerds for pj and some twixs for fresh :P* 

pj: lets go! 

*in the scariest part *

pj: *Is clutching on fresh so hard she falls and they kiss > ~ <* ah

fresh: jammy *snuggles with jammy and kisses her again > ~ <*

pj: fresh~

fresh: after this move want to come to my house?~ ( OMG I'M FANGIRLING!!!)

pj: yeah baka that would be nice~

*after the movie*

fresh: *picks up tp and tps her to his room*

pj: so what are we doing in here

fresh: I had something planned if its ok with you *starts taking pjs clothes off* (IF YOU NO LIKE SINS NO READ and next chapter )pj: oh this is nice

fresh: *takes off pjs bra *! pj you thick as some might say

pj: *blushes aton a takes freshes shirt off and everything under*

(ha im only going to do another chapter if you ask me something :P 353 words)

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