This cant be true

18 1 1

fresh tped pj to his house and he carried her to his room

"I have to get something I forgot it" said pj. Pj goes to the store and buys a pregnancy test. " I hope its negative" she whispers. Pj tped to freshes room and fell on her face "can I use the bathroom fresh" (idk how skeletons go but ok) fresh leads pj to the bathroom. Pj takes the test.

About 5 mins later she looks down at the test and falls to her knees "f-r-r-e-e-s-h-h-h" fresh comes running in " yeah jammy?" pj shows the test " i'm pregnant"she barely gets it out .fresh picks pj up and spins her "we are having a baby!" fresh says "I thought you would be mad" she says "it explains a lot my clothes have barely be able to fit me anymore" fresh carried pj to his room and takes pjs shirt off and puts one of his shirts on and banges her cuts "freshy you did not have to baka" 

freshes pov: 

I was so happy I was going to be a daddy soon in like 9 months. I lift up my shirt from pj and hug the really tiny baby bump. I can tell that my little baby bones has not had a lot to eat and jammy "jammy do you want something to eat?" I say pj looks at me and smiles " yes please! i'm starving!" I make something for pj to eat and paps comes to me "what are you doing brother? me and falisha have been playing a board game! what to join?" he says " no sorry broskie" he looks at me then goes away I come up stairs and I see pj singing a lullaby to her lil baby bump. I can't help but take a picture of it

back at pjs old home:


ink: "ERROR DON'T CALL HER THAT there is a note it says 'dear mother and father Im living someplace else I cant be abused any longer

yours truly paperjam underground glitch'"

(Word count: 345)

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