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*time skip to when pjs file is  ok but still in the hospital*

pjs pov:

I wake up feel really bad agh. "whe-e-re-e i-m I"? I can tell i'm starting to glitch. agh I hope I do not hurt my child 'your in the hospital" A sweet by manly voice. I cant open my eyes . They touch my hand "jammy its me fresh im here Im missing school today and so are you. what was the last thing you remember" he says "idk............ my mom will kill me and my dad will hurt me a lot ow watch my back. that's the last I remember"

fresh pov:

"that's the last I remember" she says . I write that down. So she was not incontrol so that explains the glitching. It must have been here trying to get though. But sometimes it was really her!

(sorry its so short I have like no ideas anymore :P ask or dare someone please! As aways author~chan)

Jammy  X fresh | QnA And Truth or dareWhere stories live. Discover now