oh mood swings

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freshes pov: 

I wake up to hear pj throwing up in my bathroom connected to my room.Its the morning sickness great I run to pj "Pj you ok?" I say nervously " NO WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE" She snaps. And now she is having mood swings. Pj tries to get up but she cant

pjs pov: 

I feel like cr** im almost done with throwing up for awhile just one more months im 3 months pregnant and my parents still do not know but today is the day I tell  them! I try to get up agh fresh helps me up "agh"

 I say I walk to my book about pregnancy fresh pulls up my shirt and rubs my bump "we need to get ready for school" I said me and fresh met and started being friends when we where freshmans. 

fresh pulls pjs shirt off and puts her uniform on i puse what I see in my book ' pregnancy 15-19 have a 28% of DEATH' I start crying "no no no no no no no" I repeat and I show fresh "that's not going to happen bro" he says 

I take my pills for the pregnancy fresh puts all my offite on agh I hate this fresh puts his on. I get up "are you ready?" I say "what about food?" he says my stomach growls "looks like are baby bones is hungry bro" he says and I can not lie im starving (word count: 248)   

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