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But...i was thinking...is error and ink gonna get along with the baby bones? -^- says izzysansy

pj: *cries*  

fresh: "shhhhhhh its ok*whispers to izzysansy* we don't talk about error he is in jail *back to talking to pj* shhhhh the stress and sadness is bad for confetti"I say

pjs pov: 

I wipe my tears "where is the baby going to sleep?" I say. "ok babe ........... I bought a house tomorrow we can go there. we need to pack" fresh says but I have this weird craving for spicy food so I went downstairs and ate some spicy stuff it was really good! But the weird part is I don't even like spicy food. It just tastes yick.

                           ________________time skip to the next day___________________

I wake up in the car. huh? "what-t-s going on~?" I say sleepy  "we are home" fresh says


Jammy  X fresh | QnA And Truth or dareWhere stories live. Discover now