Spotlight Author: Tevun-Krus

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Because some might say Tevun-Krus has a mind of its own... AngusEcrivain took 10 minutes out of his busy-ass schedule to sit and chat, over coffee and cake, with the entity known as Tevun-Krus.

TK - mind if I call you TK? - What's your favourite Pringles flavour?

I'm quite fond of the Sour Cream 'n Chives ones, to be honest.

And your favourite character from the works of Shakespeare?

Not entirely sure what that's got to do with anything even remotely science fiction related. I'd definitely fuck Juliet, no doubt.

No complaints about the lack of Sci-Fi relevance when I asked about Pringles, I see? 

That's 'cos Pringles are from Eros, yo.

Speaking of Eros, did you enjoy the first two seasons of The Expanse?

Aye. Stunning visuals and the acting hasn't been half bad, either. Wouldn't say it's my favourite show though.

Then what is your favourite show?

Britain's Got Talent, obviously. I've got a total hard-on for Amanda Holden.

Don't we all, eh? Anyways... Tell us what's so great about the ezine for which you're named.

Well it's fuckin' badass, ain't it?

No arguments here, TK! Do you have a favourite Tevun-Krus story?

Nope. They're all fuckin' badass.

How about a favourite issue?

Well it's fair to say TK50 is my favourite issue. I mean, it's fuckin' huge... Everyone knows bigger is always better, right ladies? 

Oh TK, you dog... Anyway, only a couple of questions left now so moving on... What's the deal with cheese?

Well that's actually an interesting one, far too long a story to tell though so let's just say I'm not a big fan of anything dairy, and leave it at that.

Fair enough... And finally, Kirk or Picard?

I'm not even sure that warrants an answer, but I will answer 'cos you're cool... Picard, obviously. I could lick that big bald head for hours.

Well, erm... Thanks for that, TK...

My pleasure, yo. Now you said something about cake...

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