8- Gone

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Luke gently picks up the small sleeping girl and changes her out of the onesie and into a sweater and leggings. He packs her a bag tiredly as she lays on the love seat, mumbling in her sleep.

God at way too earlier for him to wanna be awake, and god forbid Delilah wakes up before eight. She'd throw a fit.

"Juice, pacifier, coloring books, colored pencils-" Luke was not giving the girl markers anymore. Not by a long shot."-blanket, snacks..." he lists off in a whisper, glancing around the room.

He grabs the bag and slings it over his shoulder, then gently lifts the adorable little girl up and smiles happily, if exhaustedly, and carries her out to the car, strapping her limp body into the car seat.

"Mmm..." she mumbles, and his eyes widen.

"Fuck, momo." He realizes quietly, closing the door to the car as quietly as possible and running back to the door, unlocking it and running to her nursery to grab the stuffie, and for safe measures, the fox as well. He sincerely hopes nothing goes wrong today.

He goes back to the car and gets in, playing the music softly as he drives to the boys' house.

Luke had to go help his mom and dad today, install and fix a bunch of stuff, technology and whatever else they wanted, and as much as he hated to leave Delilah, if he brought her, she'd end up bored and throwing fits, and Liz would probably try to help and overwhelm the little girl.

So she was staying with her Uckles.

She's been asking for them anyway, she'd probably he glad to see them again, but he couldn't help but hope she'd miss him.

Of course she would, she'd probably cry, right?

No, he didn't want her to cry.

But she'd cried when ash and Mikey and cal left, so he shamefully admits to himself that he'll be hurt if she doesn't cry when he leaves.

He glances in the rear view mirror and smiles as Delilah smiles in her sleep.

She begins frowning as Luke continues glancing between her and the road.

She wakes up and glances around whimpering.

"Hey baby..." he says and she looks at hi through the mirror.

"Daddy!" She says sleepily, reaching her hands forward and whining as she pulls against the seat belts.

"Shhh, princess. We're almost there, ok? You're gonna have so much fun with your uncles, babygirl." He says in a sweet voice, making the raven haired girl smile.


"Yes babydoll. You're gonna see your uncles. They're gonna watch you while daddy goes to Nanas house."

"Momo?" She looks around frantically and Luke thanks his he remembered the toy as he fishes it out and gives it to her, making her giggle.

"Daddy daddy!" She giggles. Luke smiles and turns the music slightly up, causing Delilah to smile and make the puppy dance.

Luke pulls into ashs driveway, were so far only ashtons car is parked, but the other two should be along shortly.

Delilah fights her restraints, excited to see her uncles.

Luke goes to the back and helps her out, grabbing her bag and lifting her into his hip to carry her inside the big navy blue house.

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