34- Happy

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Delilah doesn't talk to Mikey much as he tries to cheer her up with questions about the studies she brought and whatnot on the ride home, giving him vague or one word answers or just shrugging, and when they get to mikeys she agrees to color and watch cartoons but she doesn't do either whole heartedly, she mindlessly scribbles and glances to the show every so often.

She solemnly eats dinner and hardly talks to Michael, only answering him when he asks her a question and briefly at that. Michael is shocked when she refuses ice cream for dessert and decides to go to sleep.

An hour after she's gone to bed he hears her crying and he smiles sadly and goes into the room she's in.

"Are you Okay sweetheart?" Delilah shakes her head and sobs.

"Are you missing daddy? You wanna go home?" She nods at the first question but sobs out a 'no.' At the second. Michael frowns. "Do you wanna call him?" She thinks about it for a moment before shaking her head. "Okay honey, do you need anything? Want a hug?" Delilah crawls into his lap to be cuddled until she calms down and eventually falls asleep.

She wakes up already sobbing from a horrible dream where her daddy had gotten so frustrated with her trying to help he'd hit her- and not just a spanking like usual, across the face with an closed hand- and though she knows it didn't happen it feels all too real with what's been going on. She sobs quietly because she doesn't know what time it is and doesn't want to wake Michael up but he comes in looking sleepy anyway.

"Hey sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asks gently as he pulls her into his lap.

"Bad dream." She sobs, burying her head in his shoulder.

"Yeah? You wanna talk about it?" Michael frowns.

"Daddy hip me!"

"He hit you? Like a spanking?"

"No! Like dis!" Delilah illustrates with a fist and putting it gently to her cheek and Michael frowns and holds her tighter.

"No, baby, you know he'd never do that to you, right? He hasn't, right?" He's briefly worried, but Delilah reassured him with the shake of her head.

"Your daddy asked me to call him when you wake up, you wanna talk to him?" Delilah shrugs- she misses him but she's still upset- and Michael smiles, pulling out his phone. At least it's improvement. She doesn't talk to him while Michaels on the phone talking to Luke- reassuring him everything's fine and telling him he's, he can come over (after he gets the okay from Delilah, that is)- but she enjoys hearing him talk, hearing his voice.

Luke comes over within a half hour, immediately trying to scoop Delilah into a hug both of them need, but Delilah rejects and scoots away and Luke frowns. "Baby girl, daddy missed you all night, can't I have a hug?" Delilah shrugs but doesn't ingrate a hug or accept one as Luke holds his arms out again. The blonde sighs.

"You ready to go home, love bunny? I think cookie misses you." Delilah nods shyly and picks up her bag, hugging Michael goodbye and following Luke to the car. The ride is silent as Delilah devises a plan.

Luke's surprised but relieved when Delilah doesn't try to help him up he stairs into the house but assumes it's because she's still upset, and he figures he'll take a shot at reconciling with her again.

"Bug? Daddy needs some love, will you came give me some cuddles and we can watch tv?" Despite being angry still, she'd like to accept, but she knows if she's gonna make her plan work she can't do that.

"No." She mutters and walks upstairs. Luke frowns, really? She's turning down cuddles?

Delilah goes to her room and gets cookie out, playing with her for a while and imagining how her plan will play out.

Delilah refuses to help Luke and doesn't let Luke do anything for her and he's going insane.

It's now midnight and he can't sleep, thinking about how to gain delilah back.

He's realizing it is a lot harder getting by without her help and he misses her even though she's in the next room.

He's startled out of his thoughts by cries and screams and can't hold his smile as he rushes to her room on his crutches and scoops her up, holding and comforting her as she sobs "daddy! Daddy!"

"Daddy's here baby, I've got you, you wanna come sleep in my bed?" Delilah nods without reluctance and Luke smiles and hobbles back to his room carrying her, leaving his crutches in her room.

Delilah almost forgot how much she missed daddy's cuddles, but she's embarrassed in the morning when she realizes she neglected her plan.

"Baby?" Luke asks gently, sitting her up on his lap.

She draws her sleepy eyes to him.

"I know I was really mean, lilah, and you were just trying to help. I'm really really sorry, you didn't deserve that. Thankyou for being such a good girl and helping me even when I was being a jerk. I love you bunny. Se agapó." Luke hugs her and kisses her cheek and she tears up because this is exactly what she wanted if not better and her plan worked and she's very happy.

"Love you daddy, se agapó." She sniffles and Luke coos.

"Why are you crying baby? What's wrong?" Delilah shakes her head and kisses Luke.

"Happy, daddy." She giggles and wipes her cheeks. Luke smiles and kisses the happy tears off her cheeks, holding her close and smiling big as he rocks them back and forth.

This ending sucks and it's kinda short but I wanted to update.

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