Chapter 3

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Hey guys sorry if I'm confusing you I'm going to start this chapter with the next episode be easer for me.
Thanks guys I hope you'll like it.


It's been a wearied week for me I made new friends and everyone is acting wearied around me I can't understand why. It's like my friends seen a ghost.
I walked over to Sarah and Erica talking about the cheerleading squad.
I stood there watching them sing as the girls where talking.


Boom! Did a bomb just go off in my head? NO, it's the devils when we beat you black and read.
Call a nurse, call a doctor,

call your mama too. Cause your gonna need help when we are finished with you. Goooo Devils!

Sarah- Erica! Please tell me you're not doing what I think you're doing.
Erica- what it's just cheerleading. I thought you wanted us to be normal.

'' she's right Sarah you did say that '' I said
Erica- see Sarah.
Just then one of the cheerleaders was acting mean.
''I think it's ok but I think it should be more like this '' The girl said making the other girl drop her pom-poms '' oops! She said laughing

I just rolled my eyes at the cheerleaders.
'' cheerleaders are not normal. They're more evil than us and where vampires! Sarah said as she whispered the part about being a vampire.

'' Sarah you know I've always wanted to be a cheerleader and now that Im hot I can, besides these girls have been telling me to bite them for years. Erica said showing her fangs.

Sarah- '' yeh I don't think that's what they had in mind.'' Erica-  '' oh come on. Who's gonna miss just one ?'' Erica then showed her fangs again walked off.

Benny and Ethan the walked over to us.
Benny- I will'' I just rolled my eyes at him ''what he asked looking at me.
Ethan- isn't this kind of like letting magneto join the X Men. Courtney - '' Assume that's geek speak for'' for a box in the hen house thing.

Sarah- if you have any ideas on how I'm supposed to stop her. I'm all ears. All of a sudden I new what the boys where thinking but there's no way I'm doing it.

Benny the cleared his throat. Ethan- you can both can join too. '' what no way I new you was going to say that and I'm so not doing it. '' I told them
'' oh come on Court. It's only just to help Sarah and Erica. '' Benny said

'' there has to be another way'' Sarah said. Ye guys I with her there's got to be something '' I said begging.
'' nope'' Ethan said '' I hate you too. I said as I dragged Sarah with me.

Sarah and I walked out of the girls room and walked over to the boys as everyone else got ready to cheer.
Calabunga! Benny said laughing.
''Don't even say anything. ''I said '' you look Peppy. Benny said in a cute voice.

'' look somebody needs to make sure Erica doesn't do any sampling and we are the only ones who can squeeze into these things. '' let's see what you've got girls. The head cheerleader said

Sarah walked off trying to drag me with her. '' guys I can't do this look at me it's horrible I said '' you look fine court just go '' Ethan said
'' yeh you look lovely '' Benny said ''come on court '' Sarah said pulling me with her. '' I hate you too.'' I said walking off here the boys laugh.

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