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your pov

"Y/N, how clumsy can you be?" He grumbles, my eyes widened. Jeon Jungkook, again. How does he know my name?

"It's not really hard figuring out your name when your annoying ass best friend yells your name in the hall everyday." He responds, reading my mind.

How great. I don't respond to anything, letting him speak. "Have you not gotten my hint? By the way, you still smell like milk," he scrunches his nose up.

    "What are you going to do about it?" I asked, daring him. I couldn't care less about what he could do, especially since my life is already messed up as is.

"Go to Holly's with me." he replies.

"W-what?" I stutter.

    "Are you playing with me? Aren't you going to throw me into the garbage can or something?" I asked.

He laughed coldly. "I could, but I don't feel like it. So come to Holly's with me." I was surprised at his demand. Maybe he's planning something.

"No," I reply with a flat tone as I turn on my heel and start walking away from him. He can't be serious. What kind of consequence is that?

Jungkook quickly walks in front of me, blocking my way. "Come on. That's way better than Min Yoongi's consequences." He declares. I wonder what Min Yoongi's consequences are.

I shook my head. "I said no, why do you even want me to come with you?" I asked, still in a state of confusion.

"I just want to get to know the girl who isn't afraid of me like everybody else is." He replied.

    "What if I have things to do?" I asked, knowing that I have zero plans when I get home.

    "Who would want to hangout with you? Even your best friend left." He said. At least I tried.

"If that makes up for it and makes you stop bugging me, then fine."

"Let's go then." He tugged my arm, dragging me to the parking lot.

Holy shit. I stare at his car in awe. The car door of the yellow Ferrari opened automatically with a click of a button on the keys instead of pulling the handles. It also had black tinted windows.

    "You'll catch some flies if you keep your mouth open for too long, princess" He said, snapping me out of my trance. There it is again! Princess!

    "I'm not your princess." I reply in a sharp tone.

"Oh so you don't like the nickname, princess?" He smirked.

"I thought we established that I don't like that pet name." I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Whatever, just get in the car." He said as he sat in the driver's seat. I sighed, taking a seat on the passengers side.

*Play song "Purpose" that I've included at the top*

    I stared out the window as he drove. The car ride was completely silent before he turned on the radio and started singing. I never once expected for his voice to sound so beautiful.

Feeling like I'm breathing my last breathe
Feeling like I'm walking my last steps
Look at all of these tears I've wept
Look at all the promises that I've kept

He sang along soothingly to the song. He had no shame in singing, and he shouldn't. His voice is amazing.

I would never dare to even try to sing, though. Listening to him now, I know I sound like a dying cow. I also have stage fright at times.

I'll put my heart into your hands
Here's my soul to keep
I let you in with all that I can
You're not hard to reach
And you've blessed me with the best gift
That I've ever known
You give me purpose
    "We're here." He said, cutting the music off. Getting out of the car, I realized that Holly's is Seoul High's hangout spot. Students usually go here to study, eat, and hangout whenever they're not at school.

Then the rest of Bangtan or Jae-woo will be there.

The bell hanging at the top of the door rang as we walked through. Some people stared, while some people whispered. Not nice things I'm guessing.

"Just ignore them." He whispered, grabbing my arm and dragging me to a booth.

A waitress came over a few minutes later, asking for our orders. She was standing very close to Jungkook, her skirt almost touched his shoulder. He didn't seem to give her any attention, though.

"Let's play 20 questions." I broke the silence.

    "I'll go first. Favorite color?" I asked.

    "Red, white, and black." He responded, "favorite food?"


    "Least favorite movie?" I asked

    "The Notebook." He said all too quickly.

    "Why?" I asked.

    "That's a double question, princess. You owe me another but I'll answer this one. I don't enjoy romance movies in general but Jimin-hyung watches it a lot—enough to make me sick of it."

    "Favorite animal?" He asked.

    "Bunnies. They're just so loving and adorable. They also seem very intelligent and their teeth are so unique and cute!" I fantasized.

The cycle continued until our food came. I didn't even know how many questions we asked.

I moaned at the taste of the food. Jungkook's eyes widened before he started full-on laughing because everyone heard me moan. His laughter drew attention of more people, I couldn't help but chuckle.

    I noticed Bangtan and Jae-woo sitting there, staring at us—mostly at me. I couldn't see the expressions of them but Jae-woo seemed furious. She stood up as she was about to walk over, but Min Yoongi pulled her back.

I looked away from their table, putting my attention back on Jungkook. "W-wow, I did not know that you'd moan, for food." He said, calming down from his laughter.

    "What? The food here is good." I rolled my eyes at him.


 heyo ! I hope you're enjoying the book so far

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heyo ! I hope you're enjoying
the book so far. It's pretty cliche
so I apologize. Anyways,, some chapters I may include music & it corresponds to the chapter. I'll always add a note whenever you should play it ! Or don't.
~~ xx, tina.


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