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your pov

   "They took Jae-eun."

    At the sound of those three words, it's like my whole world fell apart. What did she did to get into this? Was it still money?

    I didn't speak, I didn't move. I just started at the wall in front of me, my eye lids constantly fluttering. What was I to do?

    This was the last thing I wanted to happen, but I couldn't even protect her. I was so selfish to keep it a secret from her, I should've at least told her to be careful. Even if it got her confused. Maybe she would've taken more precautions. No, maybe I should've been with her more to make sure nothing happened.

Like that would change anything.

    I have failed as a best friend. I've lied and it backfired.

    "I want in." I suddenly spoke.

    Heads turned, eyes widened. "What do you mean?" Taehyung spoke up.

    "I want in on whatever you're going to do. I want in." I repeated.

    "Y/N, Y-" I interrupted Jungkook before he could say anything.

    "It wasn't a question, Jungkook." I bit out. He looked taken back, but I continued. "Jae-eun has been my best friend since we were young. I know her more than every single one of you know her individually—combined." I said.

    "I can't let you do that." A cold voice said. I turned my head, finding Namjoon shaking his head.

    "Whether you let me go with you or not, I will find a way. With or without you." I spat. Of course, I was being harsh—but this is my best friend we were talking about. Not some random 18 year old I don't even know.

    Namjoon sighed before nodding his head. "Fine. There's one condition, though." Of course there is. "You follow our plan, our rules. Don't do shit that will get you killed, and you have to trust us." He said, making it very clear. "Understood?" He asked.

I nodded. I looked over, finding that Jungkook had a genuinely worried expression on his face. He was worried that I would get hurt.


    In the end, they decided to use me as bait. I would go in first, clear the coast and find Jae-eun. I wasn't alone, though. If things went sideways, Jungkook would be right behind me while the rest were all around the perimeter.

    Namjoon talked over the plan to Jungkook and I just to make sure that we really had to down. I remembered where I would go if things went wrong and what to say if I needed help. We didn't have many resources to use, since we've only been to the warehouse once. So we were only able to use what we saw the last time. We made the best of it, though.

Since we will be saying many things over the comm, Jungkook and I made a code word to call when I needed backup.


    "Yoongi and I have loaded up the truck, Namjoon. We will need to leave as soon as we can before something major might happen." Hoseok said.

    Once we got to the warehouse, bad memories rushed into my head.

Beside my silent sobbing, I look up and see Taehyung, with a gun in his hands and pointed to the boss.

If anything, the only person coming out alive today would be Taehyung, and possibly me.

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