forty one.

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your pov


    "I haveeee to go," I murmured quietly, turning my back and stumbling away quickly.

    "Wait." His arm grabbed onto the wrist that the guy had pulled earlier. I hissed out in pain. "Let go of meeee!" I yelled—which came out more like a whine, I tried pulling my wrist out of his grip. Unfortunately, Taehyung couldn't hear me, neither did anyone else.

    "Are you drunk?" Jungkook asked, his face scrunching up at the stench of alcohol.

    I didn't answer. "What you want?" I stared down at my feet as I crossed my arms.

    "To talk." Jungkook frowned. Fortunately enough, I had sobered up enough after seeing him to be able to lay it straight at him.

    "You don't get to talk to me considering how you left me the other day." I bit out. "You didn't even directly come t-to me, I just bumped into you on accident." 'Bumped into you on accident', great lie Y/N.

    "I left on the wrong note, j-just—let's talk."

    "I'm too tired and wasted for this," I sighed before turning my back and walking away from him.

I walked out of the club, hailing for a taxi. I wanted to get away from him.

    "Can you just wait a minute?" He grumbled, following right behind me.

    "Wait for what? For an apology? What the hell do you want, Jungkook? You took everything away from me, my happiness, my trust, everything! You just fucking left me here after I need you the most. You promised you wouldn't leave, but you did. You broke me! Just as my heart was getting repaired you dropped it and left it to shatter." By the time I finished my rambling, I turned myself away from him as a traitorous tear slid down my cheek.

    "Y/N," I felt arms wrapping around me, engulfing me into their chest. Realizing it was Jungkook, I softly pushed away. Half of me didn't want his affection, but half of me needed his affection. I couldn't let him in just to hurt me again.

    "You're right, I think we should talk about it at another time where you're sober and listening. Who did you come with?" I had no idea where Taehyung or Jimin were.

    "Taehyung and Jimin." God knows they could be making out right now. I took a quick peek inside the club, finding random strangers instead of the brunette and redhead.

    "I don't see them." Jungkook said after taking a peek like I had. "I'll take you home." I didn't know when I would be able to get a cab or see Taehyung so after much thought, I just nodded. Jungkook grabbed my other arm softly as I stumbled out to the car behind him. At one point Jungkook just picked me up and carried me.

    "I am so mad at myseeeelf. I don't have a reason not to be angry at myself and I know everything that has happened is my fault. Everything happened becuzzzz I bumped into you, ever since that day, it's been my fault. Maybe if I hadn't met you, we wouldn't be in dis situation." I rambled in the car.

"Why would you say that? It's not your fault, Y/N. Meeting you, meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me." Jungkook whispered.

    "I love you, so much. I don't know why I decided to leave you , let you be alone in that room. You mean so much to me and it hurt so much I, myself had decided to leave. I couldn't see anything else but anger, which was the reason I had left. If you ever took me back..." Jungkook trailed off.

    Tears started leaking out of my eyes as I curled up in a ball on the passenger seat. Jungkook didn't say anything for the rest of the drive, but I knew he listened to every word he said.

"I don't know why I'm still here..." I broke the silence. "I shouldn't be here, Jungkook." I whispered.

"And I don't know why you keep thinking that, you mean much more to so many people than you think. Think about the people that care about you, Y/N-"

"I'm just a burden, I'm someone they need to protect. It's because I have no one else, and the only people that can protect me is Bangtan." I placed my chin resting upon my knees as I silently sobbed.

We drove in silence as I slowly drift off. "You really think that, but I'd do it all over again just to have you back into my arms." I heard before my tiredness took over.

I felt an arm reaching under my knees while another behind my back as he lifted me up and walked into what seemed like a house.

I rubbed my eyes, wanting a better look around this. It was big. I could say it was almost three times the size of my own house. I could be his house, whose house would it be if it weren't his? It definitely isn't mine.

Jungkook walked up the stairs with me, still in his arms as he walked into a very dark room. He placed me onto his bed and my nose overflows with the perfume he always sprays on himself. Definitely his house.

I opened my eyes slowly, finding that he turned his back to leave. "Please stay," I whispered. No matter how much he hurt me, no matter how heartbroken I am. As mad as I am, he will always be the one. He will always be my person.

I heard shuffling beside me before he lied down next to me. He put his hand up, hesitant of his next move, but he ended up stroking my hair softly.

"I'm going to tell you something, Y/N, and you might not remember tomorrow." I nodded while my head stayed on the pillow. "I really hope you won't remember, I just need for you to know," he paused.

"After I left, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know why I did it in the beginning. I don't know why I had to put you through so much pain in the time when you need me the most. But I need for you to know, that I still want you."

    TEA!*spills tea*would you takeJungkook back?bc I'd take him back in a split second

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*spills tea*
would you take
Jungkook back?
bc I'd take him
back in a split
second. tbh

- tina.

blesst u xx


editing note;

Vote if you still want him...

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