thirty six.

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your pov

"Y/N?" Taehyung's deep voice called, seeming concerned. I buried my face into my knees as, tucking my knees to my chest. I knew he was going to leave. I had a strong feeling about this.

"He...he left," my voice came out muffled as I sobbed—keeping my face hidden from their view.

A soft "Oh, Y/N," coming from a soft voice as footsteps quickly neared the bed. Two pairs of arms engulfed me as I continued to sob and lifted my face, which is in full view now. Someone's hand came up to my face, wiping away the tears that had blurred my vision.

Taehyung and Jimin.

"Why didn't you leave?" I gulped, looking at them. "Why didn't you leave, like he did?" I looked down at the blanket that covered my legs. They should be mad at me, too. Mad at me for the same exact reason Jungkook is.

"You know we wouldn't leave you, Y/N, we're family." Taehyung voiced out, placing a hand onto my shoulder as he rubbed it up and down.

"Jungkook doesn't know what he's missing out on. Y/N, don't blame him. Jungkook never really had a girlfriend, before. He's blind to love and he didn't know how to react knowing that you almost took your life. He's just worried, and he'll come around. Hopefully." Jimin said.

It was my fault.

I looked down again, but as if he could read my mind, Taehyung placed his finger under my chin and lifted it up, making me look up at them.

"Don't be ashamed. It's not your fault, either. We should've known that you felt this way, and we should've tried to help, Y/N. Please don't blame yourself," his deep voice grew to a whisper at the end.

I spent the rest of the day mourning and crying for what I had lost. I lost the person that has been there for me, I lost the person that I've grown to love, and I lost the love for myself, which costed me the most.

Taehyung and Jimin had gone to get ice cream at the cafeteria before they tried to share the hospital bed with me and watch a few movies. Key word, tried. Both of their bodies were mostly hanging off—whenever I mentioned it, they'd shrug and continue watching the movie.

    At some point I had offered for them to sit on chairs but they refused, saying that it was comfortable on the bed. Even with their bodies hanging off.

    We were watching 'To All the Boys I've Loved Before', and at the end I had started crying. I knew that love couldn't just be like that—all magical like sending a love letter and finding love easily. I wish it was. I wish I could apologize to Jungkook and have him forgive me, but that's impossible.

    "I know, that was cute wasn't it?" Jimin grinned, his eyes solely focusing on the tv screen. I didn't cry for how cute the movie was, but I was jealous.

    Taehyung noticed me shake my head lightly as he engulfed me into him. Jimin turned his head, finding my frown. His smile turned into a deep frown. "Oh Y/N," Jimin sighed as he wrapped his arms around me as well.

    I hated being so vulnerable and emotional. It made me feel so weak, and so sad. I just wanted to be a badass, not being able to feel any emotions at all and just...not care.

    "I'm sorry for suggesting this movie," Jimin whispered as he twirlled a strand of my hair around his finger. I nodded my head lightly, telling him that it was okay. It was just me being emotional, anyways.

    "Jungkook will come back, Y/N. Soon enough, he'll realize what he's missing out on and he'll come back for what he left behind." Taehyung stroked the top of my head softly.

    "Aren't you supposed to take his side?" I chewed on my bottom lip.

    "We don't take sides when it comes to relationships like yours. Especially since this is your first relationships. Jungkook doesn't know how to react, to any situation. You, you don't know how to feel when he reacts. We are here to help you both." Jimin says, Taehyung nodding. They were like angels on earth.

    "You're're both angels on earth. Did he send you?" I asked, wiping the tears out of my eyes.

    "God? Well-" Taehyung started before Jimin interrupted him by shoving him.

    "Oh-no, Jungkook didn't send us." Taehyung said again, correcting himself.

    I had realized that Jungkook eyes held anger in that moment, never did it once hold love or passion in his eyes anymore. When he left, the door slam with an echo in the room. He had meant what he said, he meant his actions.

 He had meant what he said, he meant his actions

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ahhhh these babies happy holidays everyone!

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ahhhh these babies
happy holidays everyone!

[ hi y'all ! just an editing note,
this story has been entered
into the wattys for fan fiction!
tysm for your love & support!¡ ]

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