The Aftermath

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As soon as the word was out, I was target number one.  They came out from everywhere, all walks of life.  They all wanted to avenge Dracula's death and kill the one responsible for it.  I endured so many battles, they were all molding together, to the point I did not know what day or month it was.  

Finally, six months later it was done.  I had killed so many of them, I wasn't so sure there were any left.  

It was all over and I could go home.  Home.  It had been 4 years since I was kidnapped and taken here to Transylvania.  I never stopped loving or missing any of them, especially him.  One of Dracula's many complaints was that his daughter had not found a mate yet, I had not imprinted.  He introduced me to many suitors, vampires, werewolves even some humans, hoping someone would spark it, but nothing.  

I decided it was time to pack my things and make that journey to Forks. I had gone into the farthest part of the castle and put everything into a suitcase, I only took what I needed, figuring scavengers could have the rest.  As I walked the long halls to the entry way, I could not help but remember all that I have learned and what I have gained by being forced to come and live here.  Part of me would be forever thankful for Dracula, but the other part hated him with all my existence and was glad he was gone.

As I opened the door and breathed in the fresh cool air, the sight I took in left me in shock.

"Your Majesty!  We have been waiting for you."

As I looked around there were hundreds of people kneeling.  

"Your Majesty? Surely you are all mistaken, I am a monster and I am leaving."

"You killed the monster!  Count Dracula made Transylvania a prison for us, you are the heir to the throne, we are indebted to you."

I decided it was best to raise my voice so all could hear.

"Townspeople, what I did was for all of you and for those around the world.  No ones life should be in danger in order to produce another.  He did not value human life and decided that our kind needed to reproduce, which is why he was killed.  Please, all I can ask of any of you is to live your life and be happy.  Which is what I intend to do."

"Countess Amelia, we need you.  You are the chosen one, history has already been written.  You are Queen of Transylvania."

As the man said those final words, all the townspeople started to cheer and look up for my response.  What was I supposed to say?

"Alright, for now I will stay.  Just until Transylvania is back on its feet and thriving once again.  No one lives in fear of vampires anymore.  I can promise you that."

As the crowd erupted once more, I was asking myself, "What are you thinking, Amelia?  This is your chance to go and get your life back, to see your family, to see HIM."  My heart got the better of me, telling me these people needed someone and that someone was me.

Meanwhile in Forks....

Bella had moved back and was living with Charlie.  Renee had gotten remarried and was traveling with her new husband.  Bella had made some friends and had met Edward.  There romance blossomed and they became an item, her fully knowing what he actually is.  Jacob, her best friend, had phased and became a werewolf.  

Around the time of Amelia taking her place as Queen, Edward had left Bella and Jacob and Brent had become increasingly protective over her.

"Bella, when are you going to stop this madness...your going to get yourself killed."  Brent said as he was passing back and forth in front of the rez.

"I just wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle," she said.

"If your sister was here and saw this behavior from you she would have a fit."

This started to really piss Bella off.  "Well, SHES NOT HERE, and I can do what I want."

"Jacob, get the truck!  I know she's not here, but I am and I know what she would tell you, knock this shit off and get your ass in that truck!"  

As Bella put her hands on her hips and stared at Brent, he had enough.  He walked over to her, picked her up and carried her over his shoulder to the truck where Jacob was in the drivers seat.

"There, now Jacob take her home and see that she stays there!"

Bella could not help but miss her big sister and know that not only was Brent doing this for her good, but for her sisters as well.  He was protective over her because Amelia was not here and he loved her so much it made him care for Bella too.  

"Wait, whose car is that?"  Jacob wonders.

"Oh my god, they are back!"  Bella screams.

"Wait, Bella, you don't for sure!"  Jacob yells back.

Bella runs into the house.


"Bella, do you want to tell me how you are still alive?"

As the conversation goes on in the house, Jacob pulls out his phone and calls Brent.

"Brent, we have a problem, call Sam and the pack."

Countess Amelia of TransylvaniaWhere stories live. Discover now