On to the next?!!!

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When i woke i was at home sadly they should of left me where i was but they kinda need me to go collect our inheritance from grandpa Renaldo.So i walked down to the kitchen to have a huge drink because i had a serious head-ache the kitchen smelled good though my mom was making pancakes and it wasn't rushed seeing she didn't have work today.As a matter of fact i think I'll take a drink and eat i feel all warm and fuzzy inside now like those bubbly cheerleaders "yeay!!!!!!" Surprisingly everyone in my house is happy today seeing that my farther died and there is no more abuse to look forward to we're much more happy as a family now.I got a big bottle of scotch four pancakes.Well breakfast was great today I just hate the feeling of happiness since I'm not accustomed to it.

We got ready and went straight to the bank. We got driven to the bank in a white Mercades Benz i gotta say that had to be the first time i have ever been driven in such and expensive car.It was really fun i felt expensive and unique since nobody in this neighbourhood can afford to be driven and in a car like this.It was a really long drive to the bank when we reached it was a glass building with allot of trees and flowers outside.When we went in the design continued with the forest theme their was a cheetah skin rug beautiful white leather seats and a cool waterfall in the walls it was extravagant. There waiting  was grandpa's assistant and the manager of  the bank.They were very pleasant they gave us all the information about the estates and we have billions of dollars in our accounts now.But half of everything belongs to me the rest is between my two younger sisters now we have enough money to last two lifetimes.I have to say my grandpa is smart we can't use all the money at once we can only use it in stages.That's a good thing for my sister's especially and me so we won't spend it all stupidly and then go bankrupt and we also got the assistant too so she will manage the money for us since we don't have that much understanding about this whole process.


Today wasn't that good i made sure i didn't drink for granpa's wedding so i'll be in good shape. We all did our hair and bought clothes for the funeral.I'm really sad this time around because i know grandpa Renaldo was a good man and that he really cared for us.But it's gonna be hard because we'll be meeting our relatives for the first time i would really like to make a good impression.We're gonna have the same car from last time come pick us up because i have become very found of it and the driver he's really nice.The ceremony is taking place at the estate so we are the hosts seeing it's our house well me and my sisters we have to move in but not right away we're gonna finish this year of school.Then my sisters are going to a private school closer to the estate.

It was a long drive but we're finally here everyone is well dressed. They all don't no us so they look at us strangely but we ignore them.During the ceremony we would introduce ourselves.I just hope they like us the ceremony starts in a few minutes so we all take our places in the church we sit at the front.The pastor speaks about how much of a nice person he was i shed some tears because i know he was.They also had a slide with pictures of him in the past.He was very handsome he is Spanish mixed with white.The pastor has finished and it is time for me and my sisters and mother to go and introduce ourselves.We walk up the altar slowly but surely I just couldn't bare to look at the casket so i pass by quickly.I take the mike first. I say "I know you guys don't know us and are wondering why we're up here but we're Renaldo's grandchildren we now got to know about him seeing that my dad was selfish enough to keep his own farther a secret but today is about grandpa we know he was a good man and we miss him dearly and long that we could bring him back and get to meet him but we can't my name is Leanna Scott this is my younger sisters Charlotte and  Brittney."Everyone looked on in shock but did not speak we walked off the platform quietly and took our seats.

When the ceremony was done we got to speak with our relatives and their really friendly actually.I love them were actually booked to go shopping with some of our new cousins their fun.I guess this day wasn't so bad i guess I'm just on to the next.

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