The dude was rich!!!!!!!!

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Well,well,well guess what I heard today! My farther was rich filthy rich more than rich he was RICH! It just happens that my dad's father was rich and he died recently and then my dad inherited his riches but my deceased grandfather used to give my now deceased father money to take care of us. Apparently I had a grandfather that new about me but I had no idea he existed. That good for nothing crook used to take the money to fulfil his alcohol needs and was so self centered that it never occurred to him to share his alcohol with me!!! So i had a grandfather that possibly could have loved me and given me everything me and my family desired but my dad kept him a secret because he wanted the money for himself. He battered my mother treated us like dirt and had us living like scavengers oh how much I hate him! Ughhhhh and my mom wondered why i never liked him but anyways I already have my revenge I have his money to spend and a better life to live now. He would just be a long forgotten memory. But I am getting way ahead of myself this all happened when my mother received a phone call this morning It was my grandfather's lawyer. She said that my grandfather's new about us and talked about us all the time wondering what we looked like and If we would had a little of his features and so forth. She said he wanted to meet up with us badly but my father would'nt let him for what reason he didn't know but he promised he would keep his word and would'nt bother us.She said It killed him because he was lonely and old  and he had cancer so it was killing him slowly but surely he took all his medication that was necessary but he was growing wary of taking them so he stopped. One day  she said he decided that even though he promised our farther not to let us know about him he would leave his money for my farther when he died because  when my farther died all the money would be ours . So he made a will leaving all his money and estates for my farther so when he died we would have all this  to enjoy,love and cherish. So since my dad died we have to go to collect our inheritance on next week Monday. She also said that my grandfarther's  name was Renaldo Leon Scott and he wanted us to have pictures of him so we would at-least no how he looked. I love this man more than my farther and i don't even know him he seemed to obviously love us more than my farther ever did and I really mean It  I'm not just saying it because of the money.

I am pretty much sure I won't even be attending my farther's funeral I rather go to grandpa renaldo's funeral. At-least now my mother wouldn't have to  find money to have a proper funeral for my farther she would have money. My mother confuses me sometimes I mean she loves my farther after all the hurt, pain and torture he put her through. So does my sisters I mean i don't get them I would never forget the pain he put me through. I never told anyone or wanted to admit it but i do from today he raped me i tired to believe it was okay or think of it as a dream but I won't one of the many reasons I started drinking. I can't believe somebody would even think of doing such a thing to their daugther but he did sometimes I wonder why me but better me than my sisters. If there was one thing I learned to care for in my life more than anything in this world is my family and I wonder sometimes did he do that to my sisters without me knowing.He just upsets me so much and i refuse to think of him any longer he is officially now just something i never heard of or known in my life.

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