The Advertisment Industry - Are Skinny Models Really THAT bad??

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Soooooooooooooooo many humans (especially girls) continuously make comments like:

"ERMAGERD like models in magazines and television are sooooooooo pretty and soooooooo skinny I like feel soooooooo insecure!!!"

"EW those girls are too skinny and so airbrushed why does society pressurize girls to look like that?? It's so unfair blah blah blah"

"Help me I have to get a thigh gap but I can't reach the impossible standards set by spongebob!"

Okay, maybe not so much the last one, but I'm here to say this:


Why? Because, especially with women's beauty products, advertising has to make out like their product makes you look and feel flawless, or no one would buy it. 

Just think about it, if you were watching a make-up advert where they used a greasy, spotty, grotesquely overweight woman with one of those unfortunate faces (like, the one where they're frowning all the time - their relaxed face looks moody) with scraggly hair, put that make-up on her and she doesn't appear to look flawless and confident, no one would buy it because the person representing the product isn't what we humans perceive to be the epitome of beauty. Right?

Admit it, I'm right. 

On the other hand, if there was a fresh-faced, pretty, bright, happy, slender girl saying that she gets shiny patches on her forehead and nose, puts on this make-up and KABOOM everything is sorted and she feels like the most amazing human on the planet, other girls will also want to buy that make-up because they too, want to feel like that. 

Right? Right. 

I'm talking mainly about girls here (as, being a girl myself, I don't know how boys think) as girls ARE insecure creatures who DO want to feel flawless and pretty. Honestly, I tend to ignore girls who say they don't care about the way they look because individuality and blah blah blah and don't think others should influence you blah blah blah but trust me, deep deep down inside, EVERY girl does care about how others perceive her, especially other girls (the whole social climber queen bee chick flick thing is surprisingly somewhat accurate. Even Janice from Mean Girls cared about what other people thought of her, and she was the toughest girl in that school). 

My point is, the advertising industry and magazines etc. use airbrushed, thin models to advertise their products because they're playing on the fact that girls also want to feel good about themselves, and look perfect. What they're trying to say is that their product will make you feel this way. 

Ya get me, bruh? (I have ALWAYS wanted to say that)

So what's so wrong about this?

Girls say they feel 'pressurized' by 'society' to 'look like this'. 

Well, here's a reality check:


Seriously. Nobody cares. 

If models didn't look flawless, we wouldn't buy the product because we assume that we won't look flawless with the product either. Girls just want to feel pretty. And yet, those same girls blame their insecurities on airbrushed models who, in fact, then get the full blow from 14 year olds calling them ugly and horrible and brainwashing due to something that isn't their fault. Models get A LOT of hate from hormone powered females, and I don't think that's fair. It's THEIR choice of work and they feel good doing it - LEAVE THEM ALONE. SERIOUSLY. 


No one is perfectly flawless, and trying to blame someone else for that is just wrong and cruel. I'm sorry, but it is. 

If 'perfect' models are igniting that insecurity inside of you, turn off your TV and put down that magazine. 

I, for one, have never really been into reading fashion mags or striving to look like Kate Moss (who I think, personally, really isn't that pretty anyway. I'd rather look like Natalie Portman) and guess what? I have NEVER felt this 'pressure' other girls seem to feel. 

If you feel pressurized, ignore it. 

If you feel pressurized and you don't ignore those fashion models, get over yourself. 

Stop blaming the industry for YOUR insecurities. YOU deal with them. YOU look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself you're beautiful. 

I'm not here to say that "Every girl is beautiful and you should all love yourselves for who you are" because that's not true. Some girls need to love themselves a little less, others more. Bitches need to get off their high horses. I can't stand bitches. Bitches are all ugly to me. 

And about the skinny thing? Don't let bones show, that's too skinny. And if you are overweight, don't sit there and complain that you feel bad because of Kim Kardashian, get up and lose some weight - if not for beauty, for health. It's not good to be overweight, and you'll feel a lot better if you're at your ideal weight. If you're underweight, eat something. You'll feel a lot better. I understand that it's not that easy, but I was borderline anorexic and had a really hard time finishing any food for a long while (due to my own personal issues) but I'm over that now and haven't looked better! It's all about looking after yourself and being healthy - looking and feeling healthy is about as beautiful as anyone can get. 

Don't feel pressurized by 'society' because there's no need to - in the end, no one really cares and it's just you trapped in this little insecure bubble, which you need to pop. And fast. 

I understand that some girls do find it hard to fit in and feel pretty. I really do. I was bullied for a long time and have had my own share of personal experiences which led to a multitude of body and cosmetic problems for me, but trust me when I say bitches will get over it and you need to as well. The only person you need to please is yourself and those you care about. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Really. Just a PM away. 

For the other girls? I'll say it once more. Stop seeking attention and get over yourself. Again, NO ONE CARES. Everyone is too busy with their own lives to continuously give you attention. You know who you are. 

My point? Don't blame models for your insecurities, it's not fair and it's not right, and there are other ways to get over them. 

But that's just my opinion. 

What's yours?

Let the Debate Begin!

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