15. Electric

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Rome. He was calling to me.

     'Scarlett!' Rome's voice floods through my mental shields and into my mind like an echo chamber.

    'Rome? Where are you? I can feel you...But I don't know where you are.'

    'Yes, you do. Focus on me. Follow the tug your body naturally seeks, and it will find me.'

     I find a spot in the shadows of tall trees outlining a dense forest and stop running. Not worrying about anyone finding me now, I close my eyes and allow my body to still completely and seek. Nothing happened. I growl out in frustration and fist my hands at my sides. Perhaps using all my power back at the Shadow Wall put a dull on my other fae senses.

     As if he knew I wasn't finding anything, he spoke again in my mind. 'Seek, Scarlett. Think of me and let the bond do the rest.'

    'Why can't you just find me if you know how to do it so damn well?'

     I swear I could hear Rome's deep rumble of a laugh in my head.

     'I'm curious to see if you can do it yourself.'

     I wished he could see the vulgar gesture I made into the night sky. 'Damn you.'

     When he didn't respond to my telepathic words, I roll my shoulders and try to slowly breathe with my eyes squeezed shut, picturing Rome's unique and inhumanly beautiful yet punchable face.

     A pulse, soft but strong...There. A thread of light shed dimly inside my mind, tugging on my insides like a string. I step forward and open my eyes. Yes, I felt him somewhere northeast of me. I take off into a run.

    'There you go. The closer you get to me the easier it will be to find me. Keep running.'

     I will my now aching body back into a sprint, letting the unsettling pull of the bond press me onwards. My loose brown waves of hair tumbled behind me and I wished I had put it back into a braid before running again, but it was too late for that. I had to focus on this pull. My legs scrape against forgotten fragments of wood and twigs as I ran quickly through the thick woods before me. I prayed that no one from Kail's kingdom would find me, or worse, him in the flesh. I doubted running into him now that I've escaped would end well.

     Eventually, I find myself nearing a small village on the outskirts of the forest. Dim lights from homes and wooden buildings filtered in through the tall and thin piny trees. His presence pulled on me harder when I surveyed the town. I was getting closer.

     'I've found a village just outside the woods. Are you in there?'


     My brows furrowed as confusion crossed my face. I was closer to him now more than ever, so why wasn't he answering? My telepathy should be reaching him...

     I drag my sore legs forward as I walk closer to the village, wary of my surroundings in the dark. I could trust no one out here besides Rome.

     Suddenly, the pit of my gut dropped slightly, and I felt him.

     "Hello again, Queen of the Underworld." Rome's deep, agonizingly beautiful voice drifted into my ears from behind, and I turn to find him only mere feet away from me. His steps were near silent as he advanced forward, a devilish smirk carved onto his elongated face.

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