17. Carnal Desire

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what a heavenly man in the media (; (an edit of mine, the ears are NOT real)

well you guys pulled through and we got a lot of votes on the last chapter so, as promised, here is the next chapter! (: also, warning: this chapter is SPICY and contains sexual scenes. you have been warned.

also also, please VOTE and COMMENT i love to hear from you guys and see the support! <3 i know you'll like this chapter (;;;


     The dance was nothing short of exhilarating. Rome was brought up to understand the arts of his kingdom and to be able to masterfully hone his skills.

     And that he did.

     With a hand on my waist and the other taking my hand, Rome stepped gracefully with me. We moved across the grass in fluid motions, the orchestra quickly changing the song to something more appropriate at the crowd parted for our dance. Music thrummed life into the air, brilliant chords and unspoken verses igniting a sense of peace in my body.

     The hand on my waist began to grow warm, a burning ember just out of reach of my skin. It intoxicated me like I had drunk the finest of red wine. And Rome's eyes... They never left mine. Always looking at me, searching me as if he could find a story behind my eyes. Just as I was about to break our unending eye contact, I felt a light feather brush up against my mental shields. Rome.

     'Has anyone told you about the ceremony at midnight?'

    'Yes, Persephone and Iliana told me. I wished you would've been the one to tell me instead, bastard.'

     A sensual touch pressed against my mind and warmth curled deep within my core. How did Rome do such a thing and yet not have physically touched me at all?

     'I didn't want to scare you. It is not as bad as it seems.'

     'Yeah, sure sounded like it. Finding my scent and scouring the entire kingdom for me like a predator doesn't sound too bad.'

     'Deep down, I think you want me to.' Rome said into my mind, sending a casual wink my way. I scowl at him even when heat pools into my core.

     Pretending to clumsily step on Rome's foot, I press down hard and dig into his shoe with my heel. He stumbles, rage filling his eyes when he regains his composure. I send him a pearly smile.

     "My apologies, dear husband." Taking my hand off of his side, I press my palm against his chest, looking up at him through my thick, dark lashes. My fingers slide over his silky tunic and draw closer to his exposed skin beneath the unbuttoned part of his shirt. Eventually my fingertips touch his skin and his eyes go dark.

     Having him wrapped around my finger gave me great joy, so I decided to play around with it.

     The music continues when I stop dancing, releasing him and drawing away from his touch. I make my way through the crowd before he can follow me and eventually end up towards the back of the party, grabbing a glass of purple-colored liquid on my way. The drink is smooth down my throat and instantly begins to make me feel... Light. Free. Full of upmost rapture.

I knew he was close behind, watching me with those prying green eyes.

     Finding myself back in the throng of the guests, I sway slowly to the music once again, lifting my arms over my head as my feet became lighter and lighter. The orchestra sets the music in three fourths, and then to six eighths, a constant change in pacing and instruments as more Fae began to dance. Gradually I succumb to the enchanting atmosphere as nature pulls at my feet, my hair, my arms, and my soul. I hum to the music as it fills my body, overcoming me with such joy every inhale of breath is a new piece of the never ending puzzle.

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