22. Betrayal

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a song i listened to whilst writing this chapter (: billie and khalid have such beautiful voices i'm so glad they made a song together. ok i'm done now lol on with the story!



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     A gentle brush of icy air chilled my skin and tumbled through my unbound hair. The draft was coming up from somewhere deep below in the depths of black before me, meaning whatever was down here led outside.

     I curse myself for not bringing a light source with me. Every step I took was terribly cautious down the descending staircase. I had no idea where I was headed, trudging on with only the near absent glow of the emerald amulet around my neck.

     Remembering that I had fire magic coursing through my veins, I extend my hand and face my palm to the ceiling, emitting a small fire to light my path. I didn't want it to be too big in case it attracted any unknown beings to me that I didn't want to meet—like the giant forest goblins I ran into my second night in the kingdom.

     The light that radiated from my hand cast an eerie glow down the winding steps before me, pitch-black darkness swallowing the
light a few feet before me. My amulet began to grow warmer with each passing second, the green light flickering slightly against my skin.

What are you trying to tell me?

     Eventually I end up at the bottom of the staircase. A wide expanse of darkness loomed before me like a predator hidden away, awaiting its prey to fall into its trap. The small flame in my hand begins to flicker as a stale wind picks up to my left. There.

I clutch my cloak tighter to my chest as I follow the path of the wind to the left and end up in a new hallway, a light visible at the end of the tunnel. The fire dissipates from my hand as I lower it to my side and quickly head for the light.

     Faster. Faster.

     It was when I heard voices that I stopped entirely, inches away from the new room filled with light. It was a cavern of sorts, and the flow of the moon seeped in though the slits of the stone ceiling. There was a giant pool of water in the center that was also glowing, but not with moonlight.

     With magic.

     The voices I heard were terribly familiar, and it's only when I took a quick peek around the corner that my heart stopped in my chest as I realized who was on the opposite side of the pool.


     Just like in the hallway earlier, he was crowded against the back of the cavern wall with a few other people, all of them dressed in dark robes with a royal blue sigil stitched on the top of their hoods and each of their sleeves. They whispered amongst each other, not one of them without a weapon at their side.

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