19. Unspoken Words

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i've been getting a lot of questions about my uploading schedule so, here it is!

>i usually update once a week. depending on how busy i am, it might be up to two weeks but i've been pretty good about uploading weekly!

also, the support for this story is so so wonderful! thank you to everyone who is voting & saying awesome things about Red! you guys rock (:

on with the story!


     Coward. Coward. Coward.

     That was what I was, and I was so humiliated I could hardly withstand the odd looks I got from the servants as I sped back to my bed chambers, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.


     By the time I get back to my room tears have begun to spill down my cheeks, pattering to the floor as I stood with my back pressed against the door.


     My legs tremble as I slide down the panel of the door and sit, hugging my knees to my chest.


What was I doing? What was I thinking?

     Rome was a Lord of the Underworld, King to a nation of faeries and creatures alike. Even as his wife, I had no obligation to love him. We were merely a contract of promises. A promise that forced me away from my world and into a new one only to be wedded to the Dark Lord.

     He was evil. He is evil, and I must live my entire immortal life knowing that.

     Because if I loved the man who took me from everything, I would only be going against everything I stood for, and everything my family would want of me.

     Blinking a few times, my tears begin to slowly dry and I finally stand so I could take a well needed bath.

     I enter my bathing room and absently shrug off my clothes, letting them drop to the floor in a heap. The bath was smoldering hot when I finally got in and plunged myself beneath the surface, the water dulling my senses. Yes, this is what I needed. To be unfeeling, entirely.

Warmth curled around me like a blanket and soothes my mind, my heart, my soul.

     My magic happily rumbled inside my chest as I came to the surface and swirled my fingers over the water. It danced over my skin and floated up into the air in little bubbles, slowly turning into different shapes. The water creatures fall back into the water as I let my hand sink back beneath the water.

     I needed to get away. I needed some time to think and to not have to be around him.


Yes, I could use a friend. Someone who understands me, and could shelter me for some time.

Finishing my bath, I towel off and slip into a comfortable dress before sitting at the desk beside my bed. Taking a quill pen and some writing paper, I begin my letter to Viana.

     In the letter, I keep it simple and to the point. I needed to get away for some time and clear my head, and that I ask for sanctuary in her kingdom.

     Signing my name at the end and folding it into the envelope, I call for my handmaidens. Iliana and Persephone speak no words as I explain to them that this letter needs to get to Viana, and Viana only. They respond with eager nods and tight expressions before the girls head off to send the letter.

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