3: Hungover and Late

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I slowly open my eyes to see light coming from the window. I groan as I feel my hangover quickly hit me full force and reach out to stretch when I'm stopped by a hard body beside me. It takes me a while to even figure out what happened but it all comes rushing back to me when I notice that we're naked.

"Fuck me," I mutter to myself. Number one rule of a one night stand, never spend the night. I can tell the man beside me is still asleep by his shallow breathing so maybe I can make a run for it without him even noticing I'm still here. I slowly take the blanket off of me and try to get up as quietly as possible. I finally get out of the bed and search for my clothes, where the hell did I put my panties? I soon give up and start to put on my dress when I hear shuffling and I stop in my place. I turn towards the bed to see the man still sleeping so I continue before I jump when hearing a voice saying "Princess, you leaving already?"

I stop in my place before turning back around to see the man smiling at me before sitting up in the bed. "Ummm yeah," I say quietly "My bad for falling asleep," The man shrugs his shoulders before saying, "Nah it's all good. That's what good dick does to you,"

I scoff to myself and continue to get dressed faster than I was before. Now this is just plain awkward and I want to get out of here NOW. The man continues to keep talking to me and I roll my eyes, can't he see how cringy this is? "So do you need for me to take you home or call an Uber or something?" I keep searching for my panties before lying and saying "No I'm good I live right by here." I look up to see the man nodding before saying "Are you sure about that Princess? Do you even know where you are because last night you were pretty fucked up." I quickly stand up, okay these panties just have to stay here because this is getting way too weird. I grab my purse in one hand with my heels in another and smile back to the man before begrudgingly saying "Thanks, but I'm good. Thanks for last night by the way,"

I quickly walk out of his room and as I find my way out of the door I hear a "Any time Princess," behind me. Once I'm outside I look around at my surroundings. Where the hell am I?

I call Loren and somehow I manage to describe this place and before long Loren picks me up. I slowly get into the car careful not to flash Loren and she laughs at me. "Why are you getting in the car like that?" Loren asks me as I finally sit down. I roll my eyes at her before muttering "I couldn't find my underwear," Loren burst out laughing and starts to drive off and once she calms down she says "Your little boo daddy was fineeee, girl. How did you find him? On your first night of going out and you already get someone like him? Teach me your ways!"

I laugh at Loren and she tells me about the crazy night she's had too. When it's my turn to explain what happened once I left the club I realize that I don't even remember the guy's name, was I really that drunk?

I'm able to tell the story without mentioning his name, well the lack of and I realize that last night I was a freak. We just kept going which now explains why I was so tired.

Loren and I make our way home and go on with our days, packing to get ready to go back home. Our junior year was finally finished!

After a few more days Loren and I finally said goodbye and both went back to our hometowns where we would spend summer. Two months later Loren and I were back at our apartment ready to get our senior year started. As I drive up to the apartment I see that Loren's car was already there and I run up to the door without bringing any of my bags or without knocking. I know that Loren would've left the door open so she could easily get her bags from out of the car so I run into the apartment and jump on Loren. "LOOOO I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I scream out.

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