clean up

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I struggle to set myself free from Eliza and take a deep breath -No thanks, i'm exhausted... but thanks for... well that... heh- I smile nervously and she smiles back -Okie baby, glad you enjoyed it- she giggles and I look away from her for a bit, im kinda uncomfortable with her naked. I get off the bed and pick up my pants and begin to put them on -So, i guess im officially not virgin anymore...- I try to keep the conversation going so it's not too quiet -Well, we could make it extra official- I turn to see Eliza and she was rubbing her pussy with her fingers, i look away again. I hear Eliza laugh a bit -You're so cute, I love you- I feel her arms around my shoulders, she gives me a kiss in the cheek and presses her breasts on my back -You can... put on clothes now Eliza...- Eliza sighs -Alright alright.- she slithers to her side of the closet and begins to check. 

The room was quiet again. "I should say something..." just as I was about to say something I hear something from out the room. I stick my ear to the door and listen carefully, there was no more gunshots from Doom, and Crelora was saying something, more than saying it sounded like singing, but i couldn't hear what, maybe a ritual? I take Eliza's arm and pull her with me. she listens and then looks at me confused -What is she doing?- I simply shrug and let her arm go, then I look at what she decided to wear. It was a long sleeve black T shirt that says "I love my sex muffin" I remember the day she told me she was going to get a shirt with that, but i never thought she would actually do it. I shake my head and continue listening, until curiosity and paranoia starts to do their thing. I open the door a bit for a peek, Eliza crouches and and peeks with me. Crelora was laying on the floor drinking from the breast pump I used with Eliza time ago, she was also covered in, Ice cream? -What the hell?- Eliza whispers, Crelora doesn't notice us so we keep watching quietly. Crelora takes the bottle out of her mouth and sighs, then she picks up the ice cream bucket with her tail and with her long tongue she give it a few licks, She then sticks her hand in the bucket and pulls out a ball of ice cream and proceeds to rub it all over her body.

Eliza and I look at each other confused -Boom boom boom boom I want you in my room, Let's spend the night together, From now until forever, Boom boom boom boom, I wanna double boom, Let's spend the night together, Together in my room...- Crelora sings softly as she continues rubbing ice cream on her and then drinks from the bottle again. -I could spend the night with you if you want- Eliza says and then begins to laugh. Crelora freaks out and her tail swings around frantically as she tries to stand up -FOR HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING?! I THOUGHT YOU TWO WERE ASLEEP!- I open the door completely -You do this when we sleep?- Crelora blushes, her face was as red as a tomato -IT'S THE FIRST TIME I DID THIS I SWEAR!- The ice cream from her body drips into the floor and she puts her hands on her back.

Eliza giggles -SHUT UP YOU MORTAL!- Crelora's voice was cracking and it was hard to take that threat seriously. I laugh a bit as well -Its ok Crelora, we all have our... kinks? just, its fine- I smile at her and she looks at me, she was terrified, I never thought i'd get to see her like that. Crelora sighs -Alright... I um... need to clean my clothes...- Crelora looks at herself -...And myself...- Eliza looks at me -That reminds me, do you have a washing machine in here? i need to clean some clothes as well- I point to a door next to Crelora's room -The washing and dryer machine are on that little room, I only do laundry when i don't have anything else to wear, but i think it might be a good time to do that- I look at Crelora and she blushes and looks away -it's fine, really- I laugh a bit. Crelora stays quiet for a bit -... I would like to request something...- I walk to her and cross my arms. Crelora takes the breast pump with her tail and shakes it in front of me, it was now empty -I would like more of whatever this was, milk i think, it was good. Could you get more?- I take the now empty bottle and smile awkwardly, before I could explain her Eliza laughs -Oh of course you can get more, i'm sure Eskild will be happy to get you some more...- Eliza smirks, I don't know if to Crelora or to me. Eliza giggles and enters our room. -Why was she staring at us like that?- Crelora says, clearly confused -Um... Crelora, this bottle is a breast pump... the thing inside it was... Eliza's milk... you just drank it all- Crelora looks at me and her eyes open wide, she opens her mouth and a weird noise comes out it, it was clearly of disgust.

Crelora blushes again and without saying a word she slithers to the bathroom, dripping ice cream as she moves. Crelora slams the bathroom door and after a few seconds her clothes just appeared in front of the door. I pick her clothes, it was like hard leather, "I have no idea how to clean this up... meh the washing machine should do fine" Eliza comes out of our room with a basket full of clothes, I put Crelora's armor thing in the basket as well. Eliza pulls me for a kiss with tongue and continues to the laundry room -You know, we could just wait until we had nothing left to wear and wait for the laundry naked- I laugh nervously -Ehem, I don't think that's... i mean...  we could just do it in underwear... I MEAN...- I groan in frustration and Eliza laughs before she enters the laundry room. I sigh and walk to the couch to lay down for a bit. I hear the water from the bathtub starting to flow and relax "Finally some calm time" I turn on the TV and go to youtube. I watched a video about a random guy playing some very hard songs on guitar hero, then the bathroom door suddenly opens. I pause the video and stare at it confused, Crelora peeks out, holding a towel over her breasts, she seemed worried -Um, Eskild... I require assistance with my... cleanness-

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