The Recollection

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My head was thumping, pulsating within my skull as I struggled to open my eyes. What time was it? What day was it?

Adjusting to the brightness of the room, I slowly turned my head and reached out to grab my phone from beside my bed. Taking a glimpse at the time I saw it was three o'clock in the afternoon. I was asleep for that long? Peeling myself away from the bed I sat up slowly, realising I was still in my heels. I must have fallen asleep as soon as I came in.


If I'm still in my heels then..

I peered at my phone again and saw the date. Sunday? So that means the charity function was only yesterday?

Was I dreaming the whole time? Kelsey leaving for her date with Cole.. Harriette trying to fight me.. Damien.


It all felt too real, from the way he touched me, to the way he made me feel. I laid back down, taking it all in.

Some dream!

Only thing I was certain of was the kiss at the function. That was definitely real - oh so real.

"Can you work Friday?" Trisha questioned as she filled out the rota on the spreadsheet for the weeks shifts.

"I'm busy Friday." I lied.

"Doing what?"

"That's none of your business." I responded defensively.

"Excuse me?!" Getting up from where she was sat, she approached me blocking my view. I had been watching the customers from the back where we were, through to where they were all sat dining at the front. It was Damien's fiancé I was watching in particular. She had been coming here often lately, still with that older gentleman. I had managed to nab a few photos with my phone for evidence - you know.. just incase.

"Are you listening to me?" Trisha waved her hands in the air and I snapped back to the conversation at hand.


"Friday.. what's so important that you can't pick up a shift?"

"I won't be around."

"Where will you be then?"

Slap the bitch!

I exhaled frustrated from the pointless argument.

"Not here. Today is my last shift so you can find someone else to bitch at. Move." Pushing her to the side, I grabbed some clean cocktail glasses and proceeded in putting them away.

"You haven't given me your resignation?"

Is she still talking?!

"You're not my manager, you're a supervisor so don't think so highly of yourself." Huffing in defeat, she stormed off leaving me to finish off my task.

I had decided to give my resignation in this morning when I arrived. My actual manager was lovely and although he was hardly in - due to managing two different franchises - I knew I could rely on him as a future reference.
I couldn't wait to leave this place; I had already applied for other roles online so it was only a matter of time until others reached out.

"Where do you think I should take her?" Cole whispered as we walked down each isle in search for his statistics book.

"Are you both still keeping it casual or have you gotten serious?" I whispered back, keeping my voice even lower as we passed some students at a table. I had decided to meet Cole at the library to kill some time before my lecture. That and I was using him as a distraction to calm my nerves. I hadn't seen or spoken to Damien since the weekend and I wasn't ready at all.

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