noun: synaesthesia; noun: synesthesia
1. The production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.
Of course, it's just my luck that this is almost the exact opposite of me, and yet I have the condition. If I could define my own synesthesia, it would probably say something like
my syn·es·the·sia
mī sinəsˈTHēZHə/noun
noun: my synaesthesia; noun: my synesthesia
1. The visualization of text when words are heard or during the thought process.
2. The visualization of auras around people.
3. The association of textures with words.
4. A compilation of rare types that are all extremely strange.
I see the World Differently Than You - The Tale of a Synesthete
Short StoryI have powerful Ticker Tape Synesthesia. I don't see colors; I see words. There is no one like me; I am alone. This is my story.