Chapter 8: Just a moment

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Bellas pov:

I was swimming around Atlantica seeing my sisters and filling them in on what is going on. I then went to my cave, where I kept all my trinkets well what is left since father destroyed it many years ago, and I found the stone of Bruno's face.

If only for one moment, I had shared with you all I know

The sea wouldn't be a mystery

Oh why did you have to go

I put his face down and swam out the hole to go to my secret place where I use to think. I begin to sob because I missed my husband and I wanted my daughter back.

I will find you, my darling

And the moment that I do

I'll hold you close, my Melody

And sing the song of the sea with you

Sing the song of the sea with you

I sing with a broken voice. I grab a flower and hugged it to my chest and swam back home. I go into the palace to go see daddy in the throne room.

"Bella", He says

I looked up at him and begin to sob.

"Bella, we will find her", He promised

I sighed and then I see a little fish that looked exactly like Flounder.

"Flonder", I say excidetly

I swim to the fish and hugged him tightly, but it wiggled out of me and swam away.

"Daddy!", he yells

"Now what?", I hear, and a bigger fish shows up

I bite my lip. "Sorry", I say

"Bella?", It says

"Flounder?", I ask

He nods. I swim to him and hugged him tightly.

"Wow, you aren't a guppy anymore", I smiled

"you can say that again", He says

I smiled at least one good thing happened today.

Avalee pov:

I was swimming around having fun with myself. But I wanted to me with my mom and dad who I know are worried, but I am so loving this mermaid tail.

Okay, get a grip

Get the hang of this flipper,

It's like slipping two feet into one big, huge slipper

This way is left, but which way is right

Oh, now I'll be circling in circles all night

Oh, so this is forward, no problem

I can't believe I can do this and more

To swim in the sea, like I walk on the shore

Out of my shell, not closed up like a clam

God see, this is me, here I am

I swim with a whole bunch of fish who smiled at me.

For a moment, all of me is alive and at home in the sea

I'm swirling and twirling so graceful and grand

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