Chapter 9: Atlantica

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Avalee's pov:

I was laying onto of whale trying to figure out how to get to Atlantica from here. Which was hard because she didn't put specific directions.

"Man, this is hard how am I going to get to Atlantica?", I groaned

The whale begins to shake and groan, then suddenly, I am flying in the air, and I land on some ice and the map lands right next to a million pieces.

"No, now how am I going to get there?", I cried

I then here commotion around the corner but I didn't think much of it. I go underwater to look for some type of help.

"What are we going to do now?", I hear

"I don't know dash", I hear

I looked up and see two figures. Maybe they can help me, I swam up to the surface, and saw a penguin and a walrus.

"excuse me", I say

I must have startled them with my outburst because they looked a little afraid.

"You don't have to be afraid of me I won't hurt you", I promised

"Scared? We aren't scared aren't you supposed to be with your parents?", He ask

I ignore his comment. "I am Avalee", I say

"this is pip and I am dash", the walrus says

"Excuse, me hunk of blubber you just blew our cover!", Pip says

"I was just trying to be friendly", Dash says

"I really have to go, so if can just tell- "

"See now she is going to leave and it is all your fault", Dash mumbles

"My fault?", Pip says incredulously

"Guys", I say

They begin to argue like my parents would over the last slice of pizza.

"Hey!", I yelled

They stopped arguing and looked at me.

"I need to get to Atlantica and I don't know the way can you help me or not?", I ask

"No, go find it yourself", I hear pip mumble

"We will help you Atlantica is not that far from here"

"You will?", I smiled

"we will?", pip ask

He mumbles something, pip looks at me and sighs, and my smile grew bigger.

"On to Atlantica!", Pip says, and we dived into the water

Bella's pov:

I wake up and I see I am on the shore still, I looked up and Bruno was looking at his phone, and I smiled.

"I should go", I whisper

He looks down at me and sighed.

He nods. "I will continue to search for her, be safe going home", He says

We sit up and hug each other.

"I love you", I say

"I love you too", He replies

He kisses me before I dived back into the water. I swam back to Atlantica and to father's throne where he was sitting.

"Hi, father", I say

"Where have you been?", He ask

"I went to the shore to see Bruno", I assured

"Okay, I thought something bad has happened to you", He says

I shake my head.

"um, I am going to go to my room I don't feel very well", I say

"Okay, I send a nurse to talk to you", he assures

I nodded and went to my room to rest for a bit.

Avalee pov:

It was beautiful even in person. We swim forward looking for the palace and as I was looking around the city, I then bumped into someone.

"Oh, I am sorry", I say

I looked up and see a gorgeous boy.

"Hi, do you want to play with us?", He asks with a smile

I nodded.

"No she can't play with you" Pip says and turns to me. "We are here for a reason"

I sighed and swam away. We eventuraly find the palace and now we were looking for the great hall.

"Here", Dash says

I see him looking through a window. I swam up to him and see mer people setting up for dinner I assume. I then see an older but built man, He ad long white hair and a crown on his head like dad would wear for a special engagement.

He was admiring something in his hand and he sits down on what I assume his thrown.

"He doesn't look dangerous", I say

"He looks upset like he lost something", Dash says

"Look, is that what you were looking for?", Pip says and pointed to a direction

I look, and I see Morgana's Triton. Before I can move the man floats up.

"We have spent days looking for her and we still haven't found her why?!", He yells

"King Triton, your daughter needs you see says it is important", One of the servants says

He sighs and swims out the room along with everyone one else.

"Okay", I say

I swam in and went straight for the Triton.

"Hurry up", Pip whispered

"Keep Watch", I say

I was trying my hardest to pull this thing up, but it was stuck in its holder.

"they are coming back", Dash says

With all my might I pulled it up, it lights up, and its free from it's holder. Dash, Pip, and I swam out the room and went back to Morgana's hide out.

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