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"And when he calls, he calls for me, and not for you" Lana Del Rey

⛅️One week later ⛅️

Zayn's POV

Okay today is the day. There's no going back this time. I'm going to call Lou and tell him to help me. I'll explain everything to him if he says yes.

I get out of my bed and take a long shower and wash my hair. I dry myself and wrap a towel around my waist. I look at myself in the mirror and start shaving my beard.

I smile at my reflection liking what I see and go to my room putting some clothes on. I grab my stuff and get out of my room walking downstairs . Harry and Bianca are watching tv but I take a deep breathe and walk out of the house.

I look at the sky. It's such a pretty day. The sun is shining down on me and is not cloudy , it's a clear blue sky. For once I'm feeling happy and new if it's just for today.

I get inside my car and turn the engine on driving to college. I park and get out grabbing my bag. I walk inside and smile at some persons. I walk inside my classroom and I'm the first one thank God.

I walk over to the professor and explain something's to him and since I've always been a good students he will count the rest of my exams for two grades. "Thank you so much Mr.Marshall" I smile and sit down. Everyone starts walking inside giving me weird looks.

I look down playing with my fingers. When I hear two gasps I look up and grin when I see my friends. "Oh my god Zayn you're alive !" Niall squeals like a girl hugging me. I laugh and hug him back and then pull away.

I see Louis giving me a serious look and it really scares me. Oh no please don't tell me he will hate me too. "What the fuck Zayn ? I've been worried sick about you ?!" He whispers harshly. "I have an explanation but I'll tell you when we finish this class please Louis I'm really sorry. Can I get a hug ?" I pout.

"You know you look horrible pouting " he states smiling smugly as he hugs me really tight. "I missed you Lou" I whispers hugging him back. "I really fucking missed you too Zayn " he whispers back and pulls away.

Louis sits down and the teacher starts the class. I write down the notes and pay attention. This hours goes by really slowly. I sigh in relief when the bell finally rings I put my stuff away and grab my bag.

"Come on lads , let's get some lunch I'm starving " I comment. "You should be starving you've gotten skinnier since you disappeared" Louis scolds me and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up and let's get out of here I'll invite because Zayn finally came back " Niall smiles "plus I want you to meet someone "he blushes and I give him a confused look but agree. I leave with them to McDonald since that's where we decided to eat.

When we arrive I tell Niall what I want to eat and so does Louis. I wait for Niall to walk away and look at Louis. "Look Louis I'm really sorry I never called you back and never replied to your texts" I sigh. "Why didn't you ?" He asks. "I wasn't in a good state of mind but I'll tell you everything when Niall comes" I say and he nods.

After a while Niall comes back with our food and we look like animals eating our food. I burp really loudly when I'm done and I start laughing "oh my god I'm so sorry " an old couple gives me a look of disgust just like the one Harry gave to me the last day we talked. I shake my head forget that douchebag I remind myself.

"Okay now explain everything to us Zayn " Niall demands with Louis nodding in agreement. I take a deep breath and explain everything from the start and when I'm done I start crying .

"Hey buddy we are here for you don't worry about him okay we love you so much you can move with me you don't have to see him again " Louis says hugging me . "Thank you I don't know where I would be with you Louis " I sniff. Niall coughs and I chuckle "and you too Nialler" I smile .

"Hey so Liam is right there " Niall says nervously . "Who's Liam ?" I ask confused. "That's Niall's boyfriend they have been dating for a long time but this cheeky lad kept it from us" Louis says flicking Niall's forehead. "Oi ! That hurt !" Niall frowns rubbing his forehead.

I laugh "well you deserved it for keeping it from us " I smirk. "Shut up Zayn " Niall huffs. "Come on let's go meet Liam I'm excited " I clap my hands and stand up throwing our leftovers away.

We walk outside and hot guy walks to us. Holy mama that's Niall's boyfriend ! He looks like David Beckham's younger brother. He wraps his arm around Niall's waist kissing him and I look away blushing.

"Well Zayn this is my boyfriend Liam. Liam this is Zayn , Zayn Liam " Niall smiles. "Nice to meet you" I smile and shakes his hand "You too" he turns to Niall kissing his temple "well I'm takin this little guy with me see you around guys " Liam waves and so does Niall leaving me and Louis alone.

"Want to hang out at mine for a while ? " Louis ask and I grin "Yes I don't think I can't stand being in that house anymore " I admit and get in the car with Louis driving to his house.

I park and get out of the car walking with Lou to the front porch. He takes his keys out and opens the door. We walk inside is house . I make my way to his room and lay down on his bed.

"Now Zayn tell me the truth about what happened " Louis demands. "But I told you everything Lou" I act dumb I don't want him to know I'm cutting. "I have known you for a long time Zayn and I know when you're hiding something " he states and I sigh. I sit up and roll my sleeves up revealing my scars and some fresh cuts.

Louis gasp his eyes watering. "No Zayn, why ?" He whispers sitting beside me. "I wanted to numb the pain I was feeling in my heart " I mumble. Louis takes my arms kissing my scars. "Zayn I'm here for you. Talk to me just don't ever do that to yourself again Zayn. Promise ?" I sigh "Promise ".

He hugs me right and I hug him back. He pulls away a little and looks at me , then my lips. I lick them making them wet and look into his eyes slightly nodding. "Are you sure ? I don't want to pressure you" he mumbles blushing. "Just do it Lou" I whisper blushing too.

He cups my face and kisses me softly and I close my eyes.

Something inside me feels funny when Louis kisses me.

Maybe I like him ?

~Author's Note~

I bet you guys weren't expecting that, am I right ? 😏💁

Does Zayn likes Louis ? Will they end up together ?

Team Zarry or Team Zouis 😱

You guys leave such good comments it just makes me want to keep updating so if you want me to update all you silent readers should comment 😏✌️🙊💕😉😘

Question of the day: Does anyone listen to Lana del Rey, Artic Monkeys or The Neighbourhood ? If you do what's your favorite song ?

Comment down below and vote please ☺️😌💕

Ily guys 💕

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