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"Can't go home alone again, need someone to numb the pain" Tove Lo

Harry's POV

I can't believe Bianca left me. She said she couldn't deal with me anymore. What the hell did I do this time ? She said I need to stop being in denial that I was in love with Zayn too. I couldn't believe that she said that. I hate that fucking fag. So I slapped her.

I didn't mean to slap her. I just got so mad how dare she say I was in love with Zayn. I'm not a fag like him. I saw him when he left this morning and he looked better than the last time I saw him. Yes I always checked on him when he went to sleep. I only did it because I care about him still.

Our friendship will never be the same. It's not like we are friends anymore but still. Why couldn't he be a normal person ? He had to be a fucking fag.

I shake my head in disgust drinking down my bottle of whiskey. When I hear the front door open I walk out of the kitchen and glare at the person standing in the middle of the living room.


This is all his fault that's why Bianca left me. He will fucking regret being a fag.

"You ! This is all your fault , that's why Bianca left !" I slur. Great I had to sound threatening and it was all the opposite.

"Harry calm down and go drink some water don't do something that you can regret later" Zayn states.

"I won't regret anything Zayn " I smirk walking closer to him .

I see that he's scared by the look on his face.

I push him against the wall raising my fist. I hear him whimper as he closes his eyes. So I cup his face and kiss him hard.

In a needy way. What the fuck am I doing ? This is wrong , but I can't stop and it just makes it better when he kisses me back.

His lips are softer than any other lips that I have kissed. I grab his hips pulling him against me. And he moans.

That beautiful sound that comes out his lips goes directly to my manhood. When I bite his lip he pushes me away panting.

"No ! You don't have any right to do this to me Harry! You are drunk and you won't remember anything of this tomorrow and I can't do this to Louis! No I can't hurt him, he will make me happy unlike you !" He yells . I see the tears running down his face by now and it makes me feel guilty.

"Zayn I'm -" but I'm cut short when he slaps me really hard across my face.

"Don't you fucking dare Harry. Don't you fucking dare say you were sorry because you clearly aren't !! You're a fucking homophobic and I'm just a fag " he spits glaring at me. "I'm the one who's going to say this now. Get out of my fucking life I don't want to see you near me so just make the less contact with me as possible !" He yells and runs to his room slamming the door shut and I wince.

I really fucked up and I'm sure as hell will remember everything I did tomorrow because I'm not that drunk anymore. More like sober with that slap he gave me.

I'm sure I'm going to have a mark on my face tomorrow. I sigh and go to the bathroom.

I take a long relaxing shower. After a while I get out and dry myself. I wrap a towel around my waist and walk to my room. I faintly here Zayn crying and it makes me want to go to his room and kiss him to make it better. Wait what the fuck did I just say ? I mean talk to him to make it better. Yeah that's more like it.

I put my boxers on and lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling. I fucked everything up. Just like I always do.

I sigh closing my eyes dreaming about that kiss.

Zayn's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling worst. I was doing fine , why did Harry had to come and make everything worse.

I sigh I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss it felt so right. I felt like fireworks were exploding in my tummy. But it's wrong. I'm with Louis now and I won't fall for this stupid trick of Harry.

I'm not that stupid. He will always be a homophobic , that won't ever change. I won't let that ruin my happiness with Lou. He doesn't deserve it.

I get out of bed making my way to the bathroom. I take a shower since today is Saturday I might go to the music store to see if I can get my job back.

I wrap a towel around my waist and one around my head and look at my self chuckling. I look down at my arms and trace my scars. I really hope these fade quickly.

I walk out of the bathroom and bump into Harry making my towel fall. Dammit ! Why does this have to happen to me ?! I pick up my towel and run to my room feeling Harry's eyes on me.

Stupid prick. I blow dry my hair styling in and put my clothes on. I grab my keys, my wallet and my phone and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

I grab a banana peeling it and eat it. I throw what's left a away and get out of the house locking the door behind me. I get inside my car and drive to the music store.

After a half an hour long drive I park and get out of my car. I lock my car and walk inside. I watch Louis help some girl about a year younger than us with some CDs and I smile.

I go to my boss' office knocking on the door. "Come in" I hear Mr. Dallas say and I open the door walking inside. He was like the hottest boss ever I chuckle at my thoughts and sit down.

"Mr.Dallas I -" I'm cut off short by him . "Zayn how many times do I have to tell you to call me Cameron ?" he smiles "okay Cameron I'm really sorry that I didn't come to work for a month but I had some personal problems going on and I really want to know if I can have my job back ? I swear I will be a better employee" I plead.

"You better be the best employee Zayn I won't give you another chance if you ruin it ,you're fired" he informs and I nod.

"Thank you so much Mr. I mean Cameron " I smile and get out of his office. I see that Louis is behind the counter so I creep behind him putting my hands over his eyes and stay silent.

I kiss his neck and suck on it lightly and he moans softly "guess who ? " I chuckle . He turns around hugging me "Zayn ! Baby why didn't you tell me you were coming ?" He asks and I shrug.

"I was going to talk to Mr.Dallas about my job and he said yes " I grin. Louis cups my face kissing me softly "That's great babe" he nuzzles my cheek.

"So what did you do last night after I dropped you off ?" I shrug feeling guilty. "Uhm nothing I went straight to my room Harry was drunk so he didn't notice when I walked in" I lie smoothly. Now I feel worst for lying to Lou but if I tell him things will be worst.

"Oh okay well want to stay at mine today ? I can pick you up when my shift is over " he offers and I nod happily. "yeah I'm going to leave now to get my stuff and I'll wait for you there " I kiss him goodbye and walk out of the music store.

I hop inside my car and drive back home singing along to the radio. I park and walk to the entrance opening the front door.

I walk inside and Harry is sitting on the couch eating a slice of pizza. Great I was trying to avoid him.

"Zayn we need to talk " Harry demands and I burst out laughing when I see his face. I'm pretty satisfied with that mark I left he deserved it.

"There's nothing we need to talk about Harry. It's all said and done" I snap.

"We need to talk about the kiss Zayn" he states and I freeze.

I was really hoping that he would forget about it ...

💭Author's Note💭

Hello Bitchachos ! Lol don't get offended by that. Hello my beautiful, amazing, gorgeous readers 🙊

You finally got a Harry's POV and he kissed Zayn ! I bet you thought he was going to punch Zayn but no he kissed him !😱

Well maybe this will be a a short sorry because I'm not that good at writing long stories, I'm not even good at writing 😂

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Ily guys 💕

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