chapter 13

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Hi again everyone!!I know this is gonna sound kinda dumb,considering some of my story takes place in the upper east side...but I have never actually been there!I just know that's its very nice,glamourous and expensive because of my favorite show,Gossip Girl.So I have no idea about street names or whatever,since I have never been there.I have been to Manhattan before but it was for a quick field trip!!So if you're from NY and you read this,please comment and correct my mistakes!!I love NY and would love to live there one day,but for now,I'm just basing this story on imagination and the little knowledge I have!!


The air felt tense as soon as Alexis and Hailey met and said their introductions.

I could tell Hailey felt a little threatened by how pretty Alexis was,and Alexis felt threatened herself.

"Alexis also models for my company."Mom explained to Hailey as they kept watching eachother cautiously.

"Really.That's interesting."Hailey said dully,not looking away from Alexis's eyes.

"Yes,I'm a professional model."Alexis said dully back,also not looking away.

Things were starting to get a little akward,so I cleared my throat,"Um,I think we should start heading towards the 4 Seasons."

"Let's go then."Mom said as we all got into the elevator(penthouses here didn't have front doors;instead the concierge would call the penthouse if someone wanted to come visit you,so that some random stalker wouldn't just show up at your place).

We all huddled in and I caught Alexis glancing at Adam.Yup,out of all the guys she could have,she decided to have a crush on my stepbrother,the only guy I had ever kissed and really liked.The only guy that she could easily have in the blink of an eye if she tried.

"I don't think they like eachother."Adam whispered to me,refferring to Alexis and Hailey.

I sighed,"Yeah I know.Although no one really likes Hailey.Tell me again why you're going out with her?"

He rolled his eyes and we both smiled,although what did he see,personality wise,is Hailey?The girl was dumber than a stick.Sure,she was worthy of being a Victoria's secret model,but personality wise,she was horrible.

"Mr.Goulding's birthday is tommorow night."Alexis began to say,reffering to William Goulding,who owned his own line of airplanes and was listed as the 3rd richest person under 50 in Forbes last year(my mom was 2nd)."It's adults only,so I'm assuming you will be going,Lorena?"

She looked at Peter,"Well only if you don't mind,sweetheart."

He shook his head,"Not at all."

"But what about you kids?"Mom asked.

"Well,Jake Antanucci will be holding a tiny party tommorow at his condominium.I was hoping Serena,Adam and Hailey could join us."Alexis said in her extremely polite voice to convice my mother,although I knew Jake's party would be far from tiny.His parties were the craziest here,that usually had all of the Upper East Side's most important children.We were all expected to act proper and uptight at important socialite balls,but at Jake's parties everyone let loose and got crazy.Except for me.I was usually the one who put all the drunks into cabs and made sure they got home safe.But I had a feeling that this year would be different.

My mom shrugged,which meant Alexis had convinced her."Well,I don't see why not.If that's ok with Adam and Hailey."

They both nodded and Hailey said,"Sounds good."

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