{5} John- bullied

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(Any John fans out there? This one's pretty cute to my opinion)

A deep sigh escaped your mouth. Mondays, you hated them. You didn't want to go to school, people were way too cruel there. Most popular kids bullied a lot en were selfish pricks, but you certainly didn't work that way. You were pretty popular, whether you liked it or not, people just seemed to like you. To be honest you hated it. People always expected you to do things you'd never do, they expected you to be a bitch to the non-popular people. You just weren't like that.

"Bye mum, bye dad!" You shouted from the front door and shut the door behind you once you were outside. You walked to the nearest bus stop which was about 5 minutes walking from your house and you forced a smile onto your face seeing some of your friends waiting there. "Hey Y/N!" One of your friends named Venus shouted. "You waved shortly. "Hey guys." You smiled. You chatted for a while with the four girls in front of you until the bus arrived.

Everyone at the stop stepped in and you found yourself a seat. Venus went to sit next to someone else so you sat alone, probably not for long. Your four friends started to giggle hysterically when the bus stopped at yet another stop. There he was.. James Ridley. He was the bad boy of the school and every girl dreamed of getting laid by him. You rolled your eyes, you found him an absolute prick but the worst thing was that he liked you. His attempts to flirt were horrible and he was way too cheesy. Besides that he was the biggest bully of them all.

You saw him standing outside the bus with his 'friends'. He was laughing evilly and it all made sense when you saw a boy step in, red in embarrassment. He was clearly new. Poor thing, his first day here and he's already being bullied. He seemed about one year older than you and actually quite nice. James stepped in after the new kid, still laughing. He pushed the boy aside and made his way over to you. His hand went through his hair as he approached you and he tried to smile charmingly. Any other girl would have swooned but you glared at him. You saw the poor boy looking around helplessly. "Is this seat taken, lovely?" James asked. "Funny you ask" you started. "Because yes, it is" you grabbed the arm of the new boy gently and pulled him onto the seat beside you. He looked at you with wide eyes, clearly surprised by the sudden action. James frowned. "What? You're going to choose that idiot over me?" He scoffed. You were still glaring at him. "Go to hell, James." You said loud enough for everyone to hear. Girls gasped and most boys made "Oohh" noises. James seemed to be rather offended and took a seat somewhere else. You were pissed off by his attitude. Who did he think he was for gods sake?

You turned to the new boy and smiled sweetly. "I'm so sorry for him, he's an absolute prick, I know. I'm Y/N." You said kindly. The taller boy looked at you with his oh-so-sweet smile. "It's okay. My name's John, John Deacon." He said rather shyly. You smiled. "It's nice to meet you, John." You said while placing your bag in the floor. "If any of those kids will be acting like such jerks again, feel free to sit with me. In fact, would you like to sit with me today at lunch break? I really can't stand another day listening to gossips and stuff." You asked him. His face lit up. "I'd love to." He smiled, his eyes twinkling.

Soon the two of you said your goodbyes and separated ways once class started. You felt really proud of what you had done earlier that morning and couldn't get your mind off John. He was so kind. Unlike all other boys he was nice and wouldn't try to flirt at the first meeting. Hours of class passed but all you go do was look forward to lunch. Once the bell finally rang, you stuffed your bag with books and left the classroom. Your friend called after you but you didn't bother to look back at them.

You entered the cafeteria and looked around for John in the big crowd of students. Usually the crowd would become smaller by now but instead the crowd grew and you noticed something was going on. You walked over out of curiosity. You pushed your way through the crowd only to find John pressed against the wall by James. That fucking idiot! You thought..

"You thought you could get Y/N, huh? You'll never be good enough for her! I will be her boyfriend whether you like it or not." James snapped, keeping the terrified John under his grasp. You stepped forward and the crowd went silent. "Oh is that so, James?" You pushes him away from John. Rage was pumping through your veins. Never had you been so pissed. "YOU are the one who will never, EVER, be good enough for anyone!" You shouted at him. You grabbed a plate of spaghetti out of one of his friend's hand and threw the food in James' face. Everyone looked at you, with shocked expressions on their faces. You grabbed John's hand and pulled him with you to an empty table.

"Are you okay, John?" You asked as you sat down opposite from him. "Did he hurt you?" You asked concernedly. Much to your surprise he was smiling rather dreamily at you. "Better than ever." He said. "What you did... Y/N that was awesome." He said sheepishly. You blushed and glanced back at James, who was now fighting with his friends, blaming them for the spaghetti accident. You smirked before looking back at John. You and John were in a deep conversation for the rest of lunch break and he suddenly started to warm up to you. Every now and then the two of you broke out in laughter while earning glances from many students.

Days passed and you and John got closer. The boys had stopped teasing John.. until Valentine's Day. James had send you roses and you had gladly refused them. You had been standing by your locker when someone delivered them in the name of him. He stood a few feet away, surrounded by his friend. He winked at you while you looked at the roses. You smirked and handed them to a girl who wasn't exactly liked by most people. I winked at her. "Look who got you roses." You had said and nodded in James' direction who's eyes widened. The girl had completely freaked out and soon the whole school knew that 'James had send her roses'.

But the day wasn't over yet and James would have his revenge. As soon lunch break arrived you regretted your actions from earlier that morning. Seeing John, once again, pinned against the wall, made your heart sank. You rushes over as fast as you could and pulled James away. Without hesitation you kicked him in.. well, let's just say he had trouble waking afterwards. He backed off immediately, wincing as he did. His friends glared at you and they stepped forward, you took a step back. What happened next was anything but what you had expected. John protectively stepped in front of you. "Take another step closer and you'll regret it." He snapped at the boys. You looked up at John with your eyes widened but couldn't manage to say anything. James, who was still struggling standing properly, laughed a little while wincing at the same time. "Johnny, give up. She's never going to like you!" He shouted, causing his friends and all the other public watching the drama to laugh. That was it. He crossed a line. In fact you really liked john and you couldn't care less what other people thought. You grabbed John's shoulder, turned him around and kissed him on the lips. You smiled against his lips as you felt he returned the favour.

James stormed off in anger after shouting something like "you just wait!", but you didn't care. You looked down blushing when you pulled away and people sat back at their tables. "Sorry.." You muttered. John just grinned. "Don't be." He said softly, soothingly. "I really like you, Y/N. From the moment we met in the bus." A hint of pink appeared on his cheeks. You bit your lip looking up at him. "Guess I could say the same thing.." you admitted, leaving him smiling wildly as if he was the luckiest boy on earth.

And so the new boy ended up to be the popular girl's boyfriend. And the teasing? Oh they wouldn't dare try anything.


Who doesn't love John...?
Thanks for reading!
Later kiddos!

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