{8} Brian- so many struggles

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"Brian stay still!" You laughed as you helplessly tried to comb your boyfriends hair. Brian winced, "I can't! You're pulling too hard, Y/N." He whined while putting his hands on the sink. There the two of you stood, in the bathroom in front of the large mirror.

You and your famous boyfriend Brian May had been living together for awhile now. Spending time with him meant you were having the time of your life, in any way possible. The funny thing about your relationship was that the two of you lived with quite some struggles. He was really tall while you on the other hand were rather small. It always caused funny situations where he had to bend over to kiss you, or you had to stand on a chair to comb his hair. The hair combing part was exactly what was going on that very moment.

"Jesus, I knew your hair could be a mess but I've never seen it this bad." You said, still trying to untangle his hair. He simply groaned in response as tears prickled his eyes. You stood rather uncomfortably on a chair, your knees touching his butt ever so slightly. Little did you know how that little touch effected him. About 10 more minutes passed and you finally got his hair all untangled and in model. "Now that's better, isn't it, my little poodle?" You teased him and he glared at you, clearly annoyed. Something was bothering him because he usually never was this moody, not even when you made a comment as such.

"Aww c'mon Bri, what's wrong?" You laughed as you hopped off the chair and put it aside, but he didn't answer. Brian simply turned around and left the now silent bathroom. Oh boy, you knew what was going on. As your boyfriend left the room you caught him walking rather uncomfortably and you knew exactly what was bothering him. You followed him out as he walked into the kitchen, beginning to make himself some tea.

You leaned against the counter, noticing a bulge in his pants. Yep, you were right.
"Jesus Brian what's turned you on?" You smirked at your own comment, pointing at the tent is his trousers. He sharply shot his eyes up at you as you grinned wider. You approached him and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind, Brian continuing to prepare some tea. "Y/n, don't do that." He mumbled childishly. "Don't do what?" You said innocently, your hand slipping under his shirt and traveling to his chest. He groaned and tilted his head back a little. "Y/n.. please" even his tone gave away he was turned on. Now your hand slowly travelled lower, lower, lower and it became dangerously low. Your hand found the bulge in his pants and Brian sharply gasped, spilling the tea all over the counter.

Suddenly the door bell rang..

"Shit.. shit shit shit" Brain mumbled looking at the spilled tea before rushing to the door. It was very clear how annoyed he was. So damn turned on and ready to fuck you, but someone interrupted.

In the meantime you cleaned the spilled tea and waited for Brian to return. The tea that hadn't been spilled had gone cold and you smiled mischievously. You purposely spilled the now cold water over your t-shirt and it went all see-through.

You impatiently waited for Brian as you sat on the counter. You had no idea that the sight of you was sexier than you had thought, but as soon as Brian finally returned it was obvious. "What took you so long?" You asked innocently, but Brian could only stare at you in awe. "Well?" You asked again, jumping off the counter. "R-Roger forgot his drumsticks after rehearsing here yesterday.." he managed to speak. You nodded briefly, "the tea has gone cold, by the way. Thought you ought to know" you gestured to your shirt. "If not, I would have been burned by now." You then winked and turned on your heels to leave the kitchen.

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