Chapter 2

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"Second Chance Romance

2012 Copyright All Rights Reserved

 Chapter 2

“Layton," Austin barked, "You and the guys run through the drill one more time and then hit the showers.  We’ll pick back up tomorrow with reviewing the tape so that we can be ready for Chapel Hill come Friday night.”  

“Yes sir,” Gabe Layton replied to his coach and then jogged off towards the huddle with the rest of his team mates.

Austin looked down at his clip board and blew out a tired breath.  They had a really good chance at winning a State Championship this year but there were never any guarantees.  Not in football anyway.  To make matters worse he had Principal McKay riding him hard about bringing home that damn trophy.  If they couldn't pull it off there was going to be an awfully lot of disappointed people in this town.

“What’s going on little brother, you have the far off look in your eyes?”   Austin’s older brother stopped by his side and asked while giving him a healthy smack on the back.  

Austin grunted but held his ground, “Not much man.  Just working the boys and getting them up to par.”

"Really,” Tim said and turned to watch the group of guys set up in the center of the field.  He heard the count and saw Gabe straighten himself with the ball tucked under his arms and then do a bit of fancy foot work when the pocket around him collapsed before letting the ball fly smoothly to the open receiver.  Touchdown.

“That boy has a future ahead of him,” he remarked and turned back to look at Austin.

Austin continued to gaze out at the field.  “Yep, he sure does,” he said wistfully.  At one time Austin had that same bright future too until he blew his knee out for good when he played college ball for Boise State.  One bad tackle and his dreams to play in the NFL were over.  With a whole lot of pushing from his big brother, Austin finally finished school with an education degree, returned home and is now coaching his old high school team.  

“You sure you’re okay?” Tim asked the question again frowning a bit at the way Austin's face was drawn up in grim lines.  He could only imagine how hard it was for his baby brother to watch other guys go on and do what he could do no longer.  He had hoped that Coaching would help Austin, fill in that gap that he would be missing from not being able to play football but now he wasn’t so sure that was the best idea.  Maybe he should have steered him into something else.

 Austin turned to his brother and pasted a big smile on his face, "Yep, I'm doing just fine Tim, don't you worry about me."  Tim glanced at his brother still not sure that he fully believed him when Austin held up his hand and fixated his fingers in the same way that they had always done back when they were in the boy scouts "I Promise, Scouts honor," he added.

 Tim shook his head and sighed, "Alright but if you want to talk then you know where to find me."

 "That I do," Austin agreed and inclined his head back towards the school.  All of the guys had already left and headed for the locker room and Austin knew that he needed to get back as well to finish up some last minute paper work.  "Walk with me?" He asked.

 "Sure, why not." Tim said and fell into step beside his brother as they began their trek over the field.  After several moments of companionable silence Tim spoke up, "Hey, did you hear about Jed Sampson?"

 Austin almost stumbled at the mere mention of his name.  When he heard or saw Jed he thought about Jade, his old high school flame.  It had been over five years since he last seen her and the pain that was etched in her face when she walked in on him and Tina that one afternoon still haunts him today.  He made a lot of mistakes in his life but by far the worst one that he had ever made was when he dumbly decided to bed down with Tina.

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