Chapter 13

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 “Second Chance Romance”

2012 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 14

    “Great game Coach!”  Austin turned to Lee and smiled.  “It was a team effort and it paid off.  Go on,“ He told him, “Enjoy the win with the rest of the guys, you deserve it.”

    “Yes sir,” he said, giving him a two finger salute.  Standing by the door he saw Lee’s pregnant girlfriend, all decked out in her cheerleading uniform waiting for him.  She wasn’t showing yet, but in time she would.  When Lee approached her, her face lit up with inexplicable joy.  The sight of the two together reminded him so much of his own high school days. Jade and him, and how she used to look at him just like that after a big win. 

    Austin forced himself to turn away, feeling a little more than numb, even after winning the State football championship.  He was the one who had extinguished the light in Jades eyes, he was the one that screwed their relationship up and now he was the one paying the price for it. 

    With a baby on the way, Lee and his girlfriend had a rocky path ahead of them, but if their bond is strong enough and God willing, maybe they could somehow make it.  For their sake and the sake of the unborn child, he sure hoped so.

   Austin had heard most of the team was heading down to Bill’s Pizza Pub to celebrate the big win.  Half the town would probably be down there tonight celebrating right along side of them. He on the other hand had a hot date and would be celebrating with the Emergency room.  His hand was still throbbing and Tina was probably right about one thing, he was pretty sure that it was broken.   

    Making his way out of the locker room, he had decided that it would best if he took the back exit  to the parking lot.  It was a better chance of him not running into anyone and avoiding curious glances.  Truth be told, he just wanted to be alone for a while, with only his thoughts to keep him company.

    Five minutes later, he was in the back parking lot, heading for his truck when his brother came up beside of him, meeting him stride for stride.  “Congratulations baby brother. You brought the Championship trophy back to Hillsborough." Holding his hand to his chin he continued, "The last time that was done, I believe it was you tossing that ball into the end zone.” To prove his point, Tim held an imaginary ball in his hand and pretended to toss it into the midnight sky.

    Austin continued to walk, “Yeah,” he agreed, “It’s been a few years though.  The boys did it this time; they are the ones you should be congratulating, not me.” 

    He stopped at his car and awkwardly fumbled in his back pocket for his key.  He kept his bandaged hand close to his chest,  and gritted his teeth through the pain.  Damn, he silently cursed.  Mental note to self, brick walls do not fight fair.

    “So,” Tim started, rocking back on his heels and watching his brother carefully, “You want to tell me what happened to your hand?”

    Austin didn’t even look at him.  After several attempts, he pulled out the right key to his car and pressed the button on the remote to un-lock it.  “Nope.”

    Tim leant his shoulder against the side of the car, making it known that he wasn’t going anywhere until he was good and ready.  Something was seriously going on with Austin and he had a pretty good idea what, or rather whom it was and that wasn‘t necessarily a good thing.  “What about why you were late to the game, you going to tell me that?”

    Austin still refused to look his brother in the eye.  His hand hurt like hell and he was in no mood to talk.  The quicker he could get out of here, the better off he would be. “Nope.” He said again, sliding into his car, putting the key into the ignition and reaching over to close the door. 

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