Chapter 9

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“Second Chance Romance”

2012 © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 9

     Oliver walked into the police station floating atop of cloud nine.  Closing the door behind him, he strode over towards his desk whistling a perky tune as he went.  After hearing Jades confession, he was beside himself.

     He knew the moment that they shared that first kiss, in his car before her father’s funeral that he had fallen head over heels for her and had hoped that she was feeling something for him too but he didn't dare get his hopes up at that point.  He knew that was all too soon.

     He had figured that she would still be overwhelmed with her father’s estate and getting the house in order.  She hadn’t even bothered to mention to him whether or not she was even staying in Hillsborough or heading back up North.  He was just biding his time, making the most of the times that they did spend together. 

     During that time he had hoped to maybe nurture the relationship that they had spontaneously begun, feed it and let it bloom and if all went well, then maybe he would be able to convince Jade and her adorable little girl to stay here- with him and possibly start a family.

     A real family that included the three of them and eventually a few more new additions would be nice.

     Now that Jade had admitted that she may be falling for him too, it seemed life held a whole new outlook.  The stars twinkled a little brighter sparkling up in the midnight sky, the scent of summer rain clung to his nostrils making everything smell just a little bit sweeter and for once in his life, everything just seemed right, perfect even.

     “Well, someone seems to have found their happy place tonight.”  Officer Taylor stood up from his desk and raised his brows in question.  “This wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain brunette about this high?“  He held up his hand, palm flat to the ground just below his chin and watched his Sergeant with clear amusement dancing in his eyes.  

     Oliver pulled out his leather chair, the legs making a screeching noise as he dragged it across the floor and then took a seat.  Pushing back in his chair, he hefted up his legs on his desk, crossing one over the other and peered back at his old buddy.   “Maybe.”

     Officer Taylor shook his head, “You can say maybe all you want but I know that look.”

     “What look?”  Oliver asked innocently knowing good and well what his friend was talking about; that starry eyed look that showed how deeply he had fallen for the woman but he wasn’t about to say it out loud.  That would be a major blow to his masculinity and he would never hear the end of it.

     “You my friend,” he said while turning off the lamp at his desk, “Are smitten.  And don’t even try to deny it because it’s plastered all over your face for the world to see.  Jade Sampson has done gone and hog tied your heart.”

     Oliver busted out laughing at Officer Taylor’s words, neither admitting nor denying the accusation.  Dropping his feet to the floor, he sat up straighter in order to catch his breath.  “You never were one to beat around the bush now were you Taylor?”

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