Chapter 7

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 “Second Chance Romance”

2012 © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 7


     Jade stood there, holding fast to Libby’s hand and listened patiently while Ms. Jones lectured her on proper behavior at a funeral.  She tried to smile and nod in agreement but the reality of the situation was that she just wanted to get the hell out there. 


     “No good God fearing woman would have pawed all over the good Sheriff the way that you did Jade Sampson.  You should be ashamed of yourself.  I’ll wager my mama’s infamous lucky rabbit’s foot that your daddy’s rolling over in his grave as we speak.  It was absolutely scandalous, I tell you.” She was wagging her finger at Jade and her brow beaded with sweat as she continued to lecture her on what was and was not proper. 


     “I’m sorry,” was all that she could manage in response.  She had been horrified to learn about her own behavior the night before.  She was first stopped this morning when she went by the Office Depot to fax a few documents that she had been working on back to her boss for review. 


     It was there that she ran into Guy Loflin who so kindly apprised her of the embarrassing scene she made that was evidently witnessed by half of the town.  He thought it was funny and retold the story with crystal clear clarity but Ms. Jones, she clearly found nothing humorous about the ordeal at all.


     Neither did Jade for that matter; she was appalled at her own behavior.  She hadn’t dared to drink since she found out that she was pregnant with Libby and to learn that she acted like a fool after a few glasses of wine was more than enough to rattle her nerves.


     “I would hope that you’re sorry Ms. Sampson.  I sincerely hope and pray that when you go to bed tonight that you get down on them knees of yours and pray to the Lord for forgiveness.”  Ms. Jones gaze swept over to Libby.  “And think of what type of example that you’re setting for this innocent child.  You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself.”


     A new voice coming from behind Jade startled her.  “Ms. Jones, everyone makes mistakes and I do believe that Ms. Sampson had due cause, wouldn’t you agree?”


     Jade refused to turn around knowing without a shadow of a doubt whom was behind her.  She could feel his imposing presence bearing down on her like a heavy weight. 


     “Austin.”  Ms. Jones face transformed from one of abomination to one of general delight and she smiled back at him.  “How is the team doing?”  She asked sweetly.  “You’re bringing us home the State Championship this year, right?”

     Jade couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  One minute the old woman was castrating her for her offensive behavior during a drunken state and the next she was kissing up to him.  Austin Giles of all people; the bane of her very existence.

     Jade arched one of her brows and if it hadn’t been for her young impressionable daughter standing beside her she may have broke in and said something that she would have more than likely regretted later.

Second Chance Romance (Southern Nights) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now