Chapter 23

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“Second Chance Romance”

2012 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 23

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Austin asked her, needing to make absolutely sure. He knew he wanted her more than life itself, but not at the expense of losing Jade. Nothing was worth that. He also didn’t want her to have any regrets.

“I said that I want you,” she carefully enunciated the words again. “How much clearer can I be?”

Austin let out the deep breath that he had been holding. “Finally,” he murmured and grabbed her hand; his intended destination was the bedroom. She laughed and interlocked their fingers together. She told him that she wasn’t sure about the future but right now, she wanted him. He could work with that. With time and patience on his side; maybe, just maybe he would be lucky enough to win her love once again.

But for now- at least they had this. They had this moment to share together and if that’s all he ever got he planned to make the most of it. He would make it a moment that she wouldn’t soon forget.

With the one woman he loved like no other at his side, he quickly started to maneuver his way down the hall. He was half way to Jade’s bedroom when he saw the light creeping out from underneath Libby’s door and stopped. Jade looked up at him curiously. He held his finger up to his lips signaling for her to be quiet and carefully pushed open the door. Making as little noise as possible he peeked his head into the room to check on her. She was sleeping like a baby and he couldn’t help but to smile at the angelic picture she made.

Exhaling, he slowly backed out of the room and just as softly closed the door behind him. With Libby sleeping it was just Jade and himself.

Crossing that last little bit of distance between Libby’s room and Jades, Austin felt like he was almost in a dream. For so long he had dreamed of this, having Jade in his arms again. After what he had done, he never would have thought it possible. But sometimes dreams do come true.

Walking into Jade’s room, he pushed the door closed behind them. Determined to keep his composure, he strode over to the bed and gently pulled Jade in front of him.

"I have dreamed," he murmured, “of this.” Lifting his hand he brushed the hair away from the nape of her neck and lowered his head so he could nibble on the sensitive skin. Jade felt the burn start somewhere deep in her gut and drew in a breath at the exquisite pleasure she was experiencing.

"Jade…" His hands skimmed down her sides to rest at her waist. He pulled her so that she was flush against him.

This was what Jade needed more than anything. She needed to not have to think about anything. She didn’t want to worry about the past. She didn’t want to deal with the future. She just wanted to feel. "What?"

"Mmm." Austin moved his lips around the side of her neck, nipping and tasting his way. She smelled like a mix of vanilla and woman. Aroused woman. He listened to her quick, unsteady inhalation of breath. "Do you know how beautiful you are?"

She shuddered from all of the sensations he was igniting in her, and then gripped his shoulders for balance. "Huh?"

Austin lifted his head just enough so that he could brush a kiss at one corner of her mouth. “You,” he said watching her eyes darken with desire, “are magnificently beautiful.”

Jade closed her eyes. “You don’t have to say that," she whispered. “I know the truth. I know how awful I look right now.”

His lips curved against her cheek. “Aw baby, it is the truth. One look into you gorgeous eyes and I’m a goner. To me, even in jogging pants and a baggy tee shirt, you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Jade Sampson, you are my world. You always have been."

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