Chapter 1

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I woke up and I looked at the time on my phone to see it was 5am. Great! I'm used to waking up early but I got about an hour's sleep last night and I'm extremely grumpy. I laid in bed for about five minutes debating with myself how shit this day is gonna be. I got up from my bed..well mattress apparently I don't deserve the luxury of having a bed.

I got into the shower and washed myself with the cold water, I can't remember the last time I had a warm shower probably a few years. After I finished I wrapped a towel around myself and looked at myself in the mirror and my face was extremely pale with huge bags under my eyes I looked like a zombie, i also had an extremely purple bruise on my left cheek bone and a cut on the left side of my bottom lip, I then looked at all the bruises on my arm and stomache I most likely bruised my ribbs. However my main concern was the giant burn mark on the front of my left thigh is was excruciating and it was blistering. Dan had burned me with a frying pan last night it was by far the worst beating I had ever experienced in my entire life. Dan is my foster father I've been with him for about three years now and I've been in the foster system for almost nine years now. When I was seven my mum overdosed and killed herself and my step father abandoned me I have no other family so I was sent to an orphanage my mum was always a druggie and and alchoholic but i never thought she would kill herself she would hit me when she was drunk it started when I was five and then when she met my step-father he began to abuse me but it still was nowhere near as bad as what Dan does to me. In previous foster homes I have been neglected, starved and abused but I always ran away. I tried running from Dan but he caught me and gave me the worst beating I guess I could try again but to be honest even though Dan is the worst I've had by far I'm tired of running and moving and who knows where I'll be sent maybe to someone worse than Dan even though I don't think that's possible but you never know I'm 15 now almost 16 in a few months so just over two year and I'll be 18 and I'll be able to move out and leave this hell hole that if Dan let's me go I always worry he will trap me here and never let me leave so I can continue being his personal punching bag.

I looked at the scars on my left wrist cutting has been something I have done for years it helps distract me from evreything else going on in my fucked up life I took out my blade and added a few more then cleaned myself up and bandaged my wrist. I quickly got dressed in a pair of black jeans and I charcoal grey hoodless jumper and combed through my blonde hair which had grown quite long but didn't go past my waist. I applied little makeup to my face and anywhere else that showed bruises I took some painkillers and put the rest in my school bag incase I needed them later.

I put my white converse on and grabbed my black backpack along with my phone and limped downstairs as I was approached the kitchen to get a bottle of water I instantly froze. Dan was sat at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee he is never awake at this time l, I was about to sneak away when he spoke

"Bri where are you going"

I turned back around and answered "t-to to sc-hool".

He got up and came towards me I tightened the grip on my backpack on my right shoulder and looked dow.

My face jerked to the right and I felt a throbbing pain in my left cheek and, I tasted blood in my mouth.

He had punched me.

I looked back up at him and he started hitting me and threw me to the ground and started kicking my ribbs and stomach. I couldn't take it I felt like I was about to pass out.

"Please stop please" I begged through my tears and cries but he didn't stop he just continued for about twenty minutes then I guess he had enough cause he went to walk out the front door.

"Get up and go to school I dont want to find out you got there late or they'll be trouble got it" he said in a stern voice that made me shiver.

"Y-yes s-sir" I managed to stutter out and with that he slammed the door whilst I just laid on the floor everytime I tried to move a wave of agonising pain shot through my whole body. Eventually I managed to get up and made my way towards school.

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