Chapter 19

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Cole's pov:

We all sat in silence for a while after Xander took Bri upstairs nobody knew what to say I mean we all had are suspicions that she wasn't treated very well in her foster homes but we never could have imagined this, my poor babygirl she should never have had to go through that. When she told us what those disgusting men did to her it made me want to throw up and when I held her in my arms as she cried it completely broke me.

Everyone was at a loss for words Nick looked angry and upset at the same time he probably blames himself since he's the oldest even though this isn't his fault, Blake the guy who usually shows no emotion had unshed tears glistening his eyes. Caleb was furious I'm surprised he hasn't started yelling yet or punched something. Ace and Xavier were complete messes Ace was crying his eyes out along with Xavier who looked sick to his stomach I wouldn't be surprised if he threw up he was completely heartbroken.

I was surprised Xander had managed to stay calm I thought he would have stormed out of the house but I know his number one priority is looking after Bri he simply adores her, we all do but those to have a special bond I don't know what it is but even when they were kids they were inseparable It makes me happy to see that nothing's really changed there he may act cold and heartless to everybody but when it comes to her he let's all his guards down.

"Why?" Xavier sobbed "W-why would anyone w-wanna h-hurt her? What did she ever do wrong she's the most caring and loving girl I have ever met how could someone hurt her like that?" He sounded so upset it was hard seeing him like this.

"And when she was only a fucking toddler too she must have been fucking terrified her own other aswell what a bitch if she wasn't dead already I would kill her" Caleb said.

"If only I had of taken custody of her and brought her back when I first found out where she was I could have gotten her out of there sooner I could have gotten her away from him" Nick said he sounded so defeated and a few tears ran down his face.

"It's not your fault Nick you didn't know" I said trying to reassure my older brother.

"Yeah he's right Nick don't blame yourself" Blake agreed.

Nick shook his head and rested it on his entwined hands that rested on his knees.

"God this explains her weird behaviour and the nightmares" Ace said.

"I want everyone to treat her as normal but still be cautions that means no yelling or making loud noises I have a feeling she has PTSD so we need to be careful around her" Nick said.

"Yeah we we'll be careful" Caleb said.

"Alright everyone get to bed it's late" Nick said as he stood up to head for the stairs as well all slowly followed behind.

As I was walking to my room I decided to check on Bri so I slowly opened Xanders door to see her sat on his lap cuddled up to him with her panda fast asleep as Xander was lead back slightly against the headboard I'm glad he managed to get her to sleep, I looked to see Xander was also asleep. I walked over and put a blanket over them as they were sat on the covers, I tucked a piece of hair behind Bri's ear and kissed her on the head along with Xander I was really proud of him he was being such a good brothers towards her I thought his bad temper was gonna get the better of him but I was wrong she somehow manages to keep him calm it's strange but it's a good strange. I walked out and went to bed feeling the exhaustion hit me all at once.


Bri's pov:

It's been a few days since I told everybody about my past and they've all been treating me relatively normal with I'm happy about well except for Xavier and Caleb they've been ignoring me which upset me a bit I didn't know what I had done wrong. I moved back into my room the other night but Xander still always comes to check on me before bed and says goodnight.

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