Chapter 17

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Today's the day of my brothers party and I've been a nervous wreck all day my brothers probably just think it's because I'm not a party kinda person. Nick, Blake and Cole left this morning and we've been setting up all day we've got speakers drinks snacks evreything we were currently sat in the living room taking a break before we need to get ready.

"Bri if you need anything tonight come find one of us okay" Caleb said.

"Yeah I will" I said.

"What are you gonna wear?" Xavier asked me.

"I don't know probably jeans and a jumper" I replied.

"What to a party are you not gonna wear a dress or anything?" Xavier said.

"I thought you guys would murder me if I wore a dress" I chuckled.

"Nah as long as it's not revealing and has half your ads on show then we don't care" Caleb said.

"Oh okay well I'm still going with my original outfit" I said.

"My dear little sister come on let's go I shall help you" Xavier grabbed my hand and lead me to my room with Ace following.

"Hmm right okay what about this?" Xavier said showing me a tenth outfit it was a black tight lingsleaved top with a belt and dark blue jeans matched with a white baggy denim jacket all the other outfits were short sleeved and would show my scars and bruises.

"Okay that's fine" I said.

"Third times a charm" he grinned.

"That wasn't the third outfit it was like the hundredth" Ace said.

"Oh shut up" Xavier grumbled.

I got dressed and went downstairs since people had started arriving an hour ago my friends were gonna come but Dylan had to go visit his grandparents for the weekend, Zayn got himself grounded and Zoey has been sick the past three days so nobody's able to come which is just great I don't know what to do now.

There was a lot of people and I mean a lot and the music was playing loudly and more people were arriving by the second. Xavier came up to me with a cup in his hand and a grin on his face "Hey baby you look beautiful" he put and arm over my shoulder and kissed my cheek "let's go get you a drink don't worry I won't tell Nick just don't drink to much okay and make sure to stay close to either us or are friends alright."

"Okay" I said.

He got me a drink and we were talking for a while "Xavier you don't have to stay with me you can go have fun" I said.

"No I like being with you" he grinned.

I had a few more drinks and me and Xavier did a few shots and it was starting to hit me but luckily I'm not a lightweight so I was just tipsy.

Xavier grabbed are drinks and placed them on the side then grabbed both of my hand "come on come dance with me" he said.

"No no no thankyou I don't dance" I said.

"Awh come on please" he begged.

"Nope" I replied popping the p whilst shaking my head.

"Come on can't a big brother dance with his babysister at there first party together" he gave me the puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh fine but if I break something it's on you" I said.

"Yayy let's go" he squealed like a little girl and dragged me to the dance floor.

He spun me around and we were dancing and actually having fun we were laughing a lot and all my problems disappeared. We took a break and went back to get are drinks I downed mine in one go. We carried on taking for a bit and I was introduced to a few people the boys knew.

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