Authors Note

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Hi everybody!

You have reached the end of book 1! Thank you so much for taking your time to read my book, I hope you enjoyed! Please let me know what you thought of it!

There will be a sequel to tie up all lose ends, which will be entitled 'The Arrangement: It Led Me To Family'. In this book, Laurene and Ellison's story will be finished. You will meet new characters, new storylines and lots more drama! You will also get to see Laurene and Ellison's relationship progress into something beautiful, and find out if they manage to stop the arrangement and the mafia!

I am so excited for Book 2, and I hope you are too, and will join me in the completion of their story!

I know this book isn't perfect, and I doubt it will ever be, but I am pleased to let you know that I am going to be editing this book before posting Book 2. I want to get this one completely edited before I start on the new story. This will probably take a couple of weeks.

I will let you guys know the date that Book 2 will be published, as soon as I choose one myself!

Thank you again for all of your support, and I hope that you will share and continue to vote, comment and read my future books.

See you in book 2!



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