1.5 | parting is such sorrow

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top secret hydra weapons factory.

austrian alps.

4 november 1943.

DIANE wished for a miracle. The only thing that kept her from breaking down was having Bucky to hold her. Now she was alone and more scared than ever. But if she had the choice, she would do it all again without question.

She sat in the corner of the grey room with her head between her legs. Ever since the experimentation, the pain had left her body... except for that in her heart. She pictured the night sky in her mind to distract from the walls closing in on her. Images played in her head of ballet slippers, her apartment, the cat she always wanted, blue eyes...

Something sparked a memory of a conversation she had with her brother many years ago when she was eight.

"Where do people go when they die, Willie?"

"They go to Heaven."

"What does Heaven look like?"

"Well, I don't know. You don't know 'til you get there. It could be different for everyone."

"What do you think it looks like for you, Willie?"

He smiled faintly, "I think it will look like an African city where we rule as kings and queens–"

"Willie, that's silly. That's not heaven. Heaven is up!" she jabbed her finger directly above them, pointing at the night sky, "Where the stars are! You don't look up and see cities, you see stars! Cities are on the ground!"

"Kouté, piti, you asked what I thought it looked like and that's what I think it'll look like! Why are you asking so many questions anyway? You should be worried about dolls and dresses, not where people go when they die," he shook his head, going back to cleaning the rifle.

She laughed, "I'm making a drawing, frè. I want to make sure it looks just right so I can give it to Momma."

"What are you drawing, ti unn?"

"Pa in Heaven," she grinned up at him with wide eyes brimming with youth. He met her bright eyes. "Will you help me?"

His smile grew. "Sure. And it can have all the stars."

The door opened. She barely lifted her head to glare at whoever was coming in to do tests on her this time.

Only it wasn't a doctor or Zola. It was another person whose face made her wrought with anger. Schmidt. "Get up. We are evacuating the building."

"I'm not going with you anywhere," she growled defensively. Annoyed with her, he snarled and grabbed her arm, yanking her to her feet.

"I do not have time for this," he hissed, dragging her out of the room. He led her down corridors and up stairs all the while she tried yelling at, kicking and punching him with little success.

The floor beneath their feet rumbled and the rising heat was more than noticeable, the faint sounds of explosions becoming louder and more frequent. "Where are we going, you bastard?" she hollered in his ear. He pretended he couldn't hear her. It was difficult for her to keep up with the taller man as he strode quickly through the halls.

They finally reached a small catwalk which led to an even smaller platform. She spotted Zola standing across from them. As they crossed the schism, Diane looked down into the fiery pit below. The smothering, hot wind blew up in her face, forcing her to shut her eyes and look away. A sudden feeling of being trapped sunk into her heart and fear surged through her body.

"Did you get everything you need, Arnim?"


Diane seized the opportunity to swing her leg out at the man who had tormented her, effectively striking him in the chin. "Oof!" he cried, reeling backward from the force and shock. Schmidt let go of her wrists and the back of his hand cracked against her cheek.

"DIANE!" she heard a voice over the roar of the fire below them. She pushed herself up off the ground and her head whipped around.

"Captain America! How exciting! I am a great fan of your films!" Schmidt boasted in a mocking tone, turning back around to confront him despite the impending danger. Steve wasted no time in crossing the catwalk. Diane watched the two men meet in the middle before casting a glance over to Bucky who was watching her intently. Her chest ached as her heart raced.

"So, Dr. Erskine managed it after all." Explosions punctuated their rendezvous at the center of the walkway. "Not exactly an improvement, but still impressive."

"Let her go, Schmidt." The voice sounded so familiar, it drew her attention back to him. Up until then, she hadn't really noticed his face, however now she noticed something about him. Steve.

"Steve. Steve!" she yelled over the thundering. He spared a glance in her direction before returning to Schmidt whose fist was flying in his direction. Steve threw his shield up just in time resulting in a fist-shaped dent in it. Steve reached for the pistol in the holster on his thigh, but Schmidt punched him to the ground. The gun clattered off the catwalk. Schmidt advanced on him, but he sent a firm kick to his chest sending him flying backward and onto the ground.

Diane took the opportunity to slip away from Zola. She ran onto the runway and past the sprawled out Schmidt.

"Steve!" she held out her hand for her friend. He reached out for her and took it. Everything slowed down and she met Bucky's eyes just past Steve. A newfound feeling of elation made her heart soar just as a schism formed between their feet. Before she could move, something wrapped tightly around her waist and yanked her out of Steve's hold with tremendous force. "NO!" Bucky cried, slamming his hands on the railing.

"No! NO!" she sobbed hysterically, choking on air and beating at his arm that was pressed firmly against her throat. Steve stood shocked as the pit of flames grew wider between him and his best friend. He glanced back at Bucky who was just as stunned.

"No matter what lies Erskine told you, you see, I was his greatest success!" Steve and Bucky watched in horror as Schmidt tore the prosthetic off his face. "You are deluded, Captain. You pretend to be a simple soldier, but in reality," he threw the prosthetic into the fire. Diane saw the rubber mask drop into the fire. She closed her eyes and averted her gaze, "you are just afraid to admit that we have left humanity behind." The three of them headed for the elevator doors. "Unlike you, I embrace it proudly," Zola picked up his bag and Schmidt followed right behind him, "Without fear!"

"DIANE!" Bucky shouted. She locked eyes with him. She tried to hold back the tears, but she couldn't. This could be the last time she saw either of them. And she may never go home. She may never see her sister or her mother or her friends she left back in Brooklyn.

Schmidt ushered her unceremoniously into the cramped lift. She watched as the doors closed, leaving her freedom on the other side. Lamour, don't forget me.

The elevator shuddered and began to move. Schmidt released Diane and she huddled herself in the corner, as far as she could get away from the two of them. Neither paid her any attention.

"Sir? Are we going to the roof? What about me? Where will I sit?"

"Not a scratch, Doctor. Not a scratch."

Diane raised her head and finally saw the true form of Johann Schmidt. His sunken eyes met her wide ones as she took in the sight of his crimson skin clung tight to his skull.

"Oh, mon Dieu. Oh, mon Dieu," she pushed herself against the wall of the lift, terrified of the creature staring her in the eyes. She crossed herself and prayed for God to save her from the Devil before her.

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