2.1 | road to el dorado

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     TONIGHT, the silence that usually hung over the Alkama Fields was violently disturbed

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TONIGHT, the silence that usually hung over the Alkama Fields was violently disturbed. Pounding feet. Panicked cries of anguish. Swallowed up by shouting voices. And the roar of trucks as they chased her through the trees and dry brush.

Her legs were scorching from the effort of running 36 mph over miles of dry, hard-packed land that sent painful shockwaves up her body with every step she took. She had put a significant amount of distance between her and the convoy, but she couldn't be sure if she was still running in the right direction. Her mind was becoming foggy with doubt.

Contrôle ta respiration et continue au Nord, she told herself. Nord. The shouts and rumble of trucks were getting closer. The drumming of her heart pounding in her ears almost drowned out the noise.

She glanced behind her to gauge how close they were. She was getting clumsier the more she ran and now they were catching up to her.

Her ears twitched. She spun back around and instantly collided with something large and sturdy. She gasped as she fell backward with a painful groan.

Her voice hitched in her throat when she caught sight of what was in her path. The all-black figure of a man towered over her. He almost blended into the inky night except for the silver accents on the face, chest, arms and legs.

     Now, she was trapped between two frightening possibilities: being captured again or the unknown.

     To her surprise, the man kneeled, extending his hand out to her and she quickly scurried back, eyes wide with fear. He seemed to accept her reluctance and gave her a nod before walking past her and toward the oncoming trucks.

     Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. She was unsure if it was a grand display of bravado or stupidity. Perhaps both? She slowly got to her feet. The cars stopped and all she could see now was his silhouette against the headlights. What the hell is he doing? Do I stop him? Before she could come to a decision, the silence was blasted to pieces by rapid gunfire.

     "Non!" she reflexively reached out. She felt a surge of energy flicker within her, but it dissipated just as fast as it came.

     "Don't worry, sweetheart," said a voice from behind her, "He'll be fine."

     She whipped around, coming vis-à-vis with a familiar pair of blue eyes. She clenched her fists at her side at the sight of him. She knew she couldn't run. She remembered overhearing him mention how he had experimented on himself. And she had seen the effects of those experiments with her own eyes when he was angry. The wild look in his eyes now told her that she had better stay where she was.

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