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About an hour passed and I had left the library. I head an idea to escape and couldn't pass it up. I rushed out of the kitchen, into the hallway and passing through the foyer of the house. Dashing up the grand stairs and to the second floor, I ran down the hall to my room. I looked out the windows to see the light was beginning to fade from the sky. I grabbed a sweatshirt and pulled it on then slipping on my vans leaving the room. I ran down the stairs again as I reached the bottom Charles voice echoed from the den, he was talking to someone about Harry. I quietly and swiftly ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. The metal object was heavy, and the light bounced off the blade.

I knew the front door was predictable and would be locked so I searched for other doors that lead outside. I found towering French doors in the back that were also secured. I ran back up to the second floor and past my room and paused as I approached Harry's room. I hesitantly placed my warm hand on the chilled metal handle. Lightly twisting the knob the door opened. I crept in and closed the door behind me I looked for anything I could use to escape. Opening closets and drawers the rooms only contained Harry's personal belongings. I turned to left I turned the lights off but accidentally turned on another, and out of the corner of my eye, the light bounced off something hidden by long drapes. I turned the lights off and walked over opening the curtains, and there was a door to a small balcony. I quickly reached out for the handle and twisted; the door popped open. Excitement and relief rushed through my entire being, and I closed the curtain and stepped out onto the balcony again.

I ran to the edge looking at the plummeting drop from the balcony to the ground. I studied the side of the house, and the exterior had indents in the brick that I could possibly be used to ascend down; however, it would be risky. I put the knife in my mouth and climbed over the balcony railing grabbing the small lip with the tips of my fingers. I slowly and carefully lowered my self down.

Sweat began to form on my face from the pressure of climbing down and as well as from my fear of being caught. I was on my third step when my foot slipped on the brick. I fell, and fear washed over me as I was free falling until my backside slammed into the cold hard ground. I sucked in, but the air didn't fill my lungs. I laid their table to move as pain rushed throughout every inch of my body.

Five minutes went by before I could finally bring myself to stand. I quickly looked for the knife that had luckily fallen a few feet away from me. I picked it up and grasped it in my right hand. I looked for the dun again and saw that it had set even more I looked towards the way I remember seeing the city which was east. Then I pulled my hood up and stated to sprit to the woods.

The brisk air whipping my face as a ran through the woods. Passing trees and jumping over roots. I kept looking back in paranoia that I was going to be chased once they realized I had escaped. I have been running for what seemed like an hour, but the count has been longer than twenty minutes. I stopped leaning against a tree panting trying to catch my breath. I Looked around the rising moon.

Collecting myself I got up and proceeded running, I definitely miscalculated the distance Harry's house was from the city. Hours had passed, and I was wondering around in a hoodie and shorts clutching a knife. If anyone saw me they would think I was crazy; however, I could not slow down I needed to keep fighting. The only sound came from my feet crushing leaves and steeping over rocks and roots. Then I started to hear small echoes of my steps. It didn't bother me at first, but as it began to become louder, my anxiety began to grow. I stopped and heard the footsteps end, spinning around I saw nothing. My heart beat started to speed up, and my palms began to sweat.

I took off running, and the footsteps followed giving on me. Then stopping abruptly I turned around to yell at who was following me, but again it wasn't there. I was now in a full panic, and I was sprinting through the woods in search of the city. Rushing past trees I jumped and dozed obstacles, looking back I twisted my head around to see if the unknown figure was following me. As looked back I tripped on the root of a tree tumbling down a hill. A sharp pain erupted in my body during the fall. At first, I thought it had been the knife, but it was laying about five feet away from me on the ground. Relief washed over me during that realization. I reached down to the ache in the thigh, install my as I touched it my hand was sticky, I pulled it up revealing blood soaking my hand. My stomach dropping I looked down to see a large open gash on the outside of my left thigh about five inches long.

My hearing started to ring, and I got warm and sweaty while growing light-headed. I attempted to stand up but slipping and stumbling back to the ground. My sight began to fade as my lids grew heavy. 

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