Another Author's Note. 3/5/2018

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March 5, 2018

Hey guys! Wow... one year later and I have almost 1,500 reads! When I saw this I couldn't have been happier. I was so blown away by how many people added this story to their libraries and reading lists! I almost started crying. 

It's been a rough start for the year and honestly, I forgot my promise to you guys. I am happy to report my writing skills are better than last year but I'm not going to go back and update. 

I'm still going with what happened after Transformers 4 as I still haven't seen the newest one. Alex's story afterwords is still in my heart and I'm bound to finish it for you guys but I would like to hear what you guys would like to see in her story and what you think would enhance it. 

Please comment anything for improvement :) 

Thank you for your time in reading. It means a lot. It means the world to me as a writer. 

Dream big! 

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