Damon's Daughter

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Sabrina's POV

Dear Diary,
I was born here in Mystic Falls, Virginia. It was my home, and as far as I know I've never left. My dad and mom were born and grew up here too, but in very different times. My name is Sabrina Salvatore it means: Legendary princess Savior. I don't know if my dad knows where I am as of this moment. It had been a few weeks since I decided to run away with my boyfriend. My parents didn't approve of my boyfriend. I don't know if it was because of his age or what not. I was dating one and only original hybrid, Klaus Mikaelson. So what if he was a few millennials older than me. My parents had close to a hundred and fifty years between them, but heaven forbid I date a guy who's older than the United States. I mean my father fought in the Civil War, and my mom was born in the early 90s. I don't see how they could judge me for dating someone who was born in a different time period. 
While I was writing I heard footsteps behind me. I closed my diary. I was pretty open with Klaus but he didn't know that I kept a diary. It was the only secret I had from him. Klaus came up behind me and I didn't have time to hide it. Klaus grabbed it from the desk and looked at it. He started to open it. "Klaus, don't. That's personal. " I said, trying to get it back. He ran around the room. He knew I wouldn't be able to catch him. "KLAUS, STOP!" I yelled at him. He stopped dead in his tracks. I had never raised my voice with him, but he was pissing me off at the moment. He looked at me and said "I thought we didn't keep any secrets from each other, love" he said. He was right about that one. We didn't keep secrets, but the things that I wrote in my diary were the things I couldn't talk to him about. I love him more than anything in the whole world and he knows that. I know that he doesn't keep anything from me now, but he did early on. I really do love him but he's my dad's enemy, but that's ok with me. I love him so much for all the wrong reasons. I don't know but I do know I love him.

Klaus POV

I handed Sabrina her book back. I had been joking with her, but she got really mad and had actually yelled at me. Had she been anyone else, I would have killed her. I wanted to know what was in that book that I couldn't know. After she had caught me keeping secrets from her early on, we had promised each other that we wouldn't keep secrets from each other. I know that I should probably let it go but I can't. I need to know what she was hiding from me. "Sabrina, can come down here love?" I asked nicely. "Klaus, not now. I'm busy." She called down from her room upstairs. "Now love!" I said more aggressively. "Fine. I'm coming down Klaus." She sighed. "I feel like I shouldn't have to remind you of this, but I am. We promised each other that we wouldn't keep secrets anymore after what happened." I said when she came down the stairs. "I'm not keeping anything from you, Klaus. Wait, is this about my diary? You think I'm keeping something from you because I have a diary?" She asked. "No, I think you're keeping something from me because you wouldn't let me read it and then you yelled at me, love. Ok, I wasn't going to read it. I was just messing with you, but because you yelled at me, I want to know what was so private in there that you would yell at me. I almost lost it and I could of killed you." I told her. She sighs, "I love you Klaus, ok. I'm so excited to see where our lives will go, but I need you to be able to trust me. You'll know soon enough what I was writing about, but right now I'm still figuring some stuff out." She smiled at me as she started to go back up the stairs. I hated to see her go, but I loved to watch her walk away. I'm going to married that woman one day. I need to go talk to my brothers. The ones that are still alive.

Sabrina's POV

Dear Diary,
Klaus needs to know what I'm writing about in here. I know I need to tell him, but I don't know how he'll feel about it. It's one of the reasons I ran away from home. I know that sooner or later he'll find out. I'm afraid that he'll think I cheated on him, but I didn't. I have no idea how this happened because he's technically not alive. This shouldn't be happening because it should be impossible, but it's happening. He'll hear it sooner or later.

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