Miles' Discovery (Tuck Everlasting)

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Miles woke up with the sun, beams of golden light streaming through the window and softly highlighting his face. He sat up and stretched, basking in the light of the morning.

To his left, the bed was empty. The blankets were haphazardly strewn to the side, sloppy. Miles frowned. It wasn't like Marie to leave the bed that messy. Wasn't like her to leave anything messy, really.

He rose soundlessly from the bed, padding softly along the cold floor to Thomas's room. He opened the door, letting the sunshine in with him. Thomas's bed was seemingly empty, but Thomas was playful, a trickster. He loved hide and seek and playing chase, something that Miles was glad he hadn't outgrown, though he was soon twelve.

"Oh no! It looks like Thomas isn't here!" He said in a singsong tone. "Guess I better go look for- HA!" Miles swung the door shut, expecting to find Thomas hiding behind it.

"Not behind the door, are we?" Miles continued, chuckling under his breath. He made a quick sweep of the room, checking all of Thomas's usual hiding spots. Unless Thomas had made himself invisible, he wasn't there.

Miles moved on to the kitchen, assuming he would find Marie there, cooking breakfast with Thomas sitting at the table.

The room was empty.

Perhaps they have gone for a walk? Miles thought, holding onto the hope that nothing was wrong. He walked through the house again, noticing things he hadn't before. Some of Thomas's clothes and toys seemed to be missing, the same with Marie's. In their room, Miles found her jewelry box empty of all but one piece. Her wedding ring.

Miles' heart began to race. "Marie? Thomas?" He called into the empty house. He raced through the rooms, frantically searching for a sign that everything was okay, hoping he had made a mistake. He yelled their names a few more times, running out front.

He nearly face planted, tripping over something soft and fuzzy on the doorstep. It was Thomas's favorite stuffed animal, a little bunny with soft pink ears.

He never went anywhere without it.

Miles sprinted down the road, screaming "THOMAS!" The only reply was the call of birds on a housetop, swooping overhead.

He fell to his knees on the side of the street, ignoring the rocks that dug into his legs. "Thomas?" He tried, one more time, his voice breaking along with his heart.

She took him away. Thomas was gone.

Oof I promise not all of these one shots will be sad/angsty.

This book is basically for misc. one shots that are Broadway related (minus BOM and falsettos because I have separate oneshot books for those). It won't update on a schedule like my normal fics do, just whenever I have the time, motivation, or ideas to write.


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