Chapter Eight - That All Too Fimiliar Feeling

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A slight frigid breeze creeps in through the window that sends shivers down Toby's spine, he has felt this before. He shakes it off, lays back down, rolls over on his left side towards the nightstand and starts to drift asleep. Happy wakes up and looks up at the clock, it reads three am. "What time is it?" Toby asks Hap. "Three" she adds with a slight groan ready to hear Joy's hunger baby cry, but doesn't. "Why isn't she up? she adds. "I don't know, maybe she is finally starting to sleep through the night?" Toby responds. "I'm going to check on her" Happy adds while getting out of bed. 

Happy walks down the hall and hears the sound of the mobile hanging above her crib. Happy walks in Joy's nursery slowly, keeping up to her crib. Happy looks over into the crib, shocked she backs away from the crib and bumps into the dresser, knocking over the lamp.

Toby wakes up to the sound of something shattering in Joy's nursery. He quickly gets up and rushes into the room and sees Happy standing, paraylized with fear. "Hap what happened? What's wrong?" Toby asks with a shaking sound in his voice. Happy's breathing is trembling and fast, shaking with fear she looks continues to stare at Joy's crib. Toby walks over slowly, terrified of what he might see. He looks over into the crib and sees an empty crib with a ham radio piece with a note attached: "Looking for me?". Toby knows only one person in the entire world that would do something like this: Mark Collins. Toby goes over to Happy and holds on tight, "we're gonna get her back. He's not going to get way with it. I promise". Happy hugs him back and starts to cry. Tears rolling down her face, Happy as never felt this kind of emotion since her dad went to jail and the false positive pregnancy test. The feeling of her heart in the pit of her stomach. 

Toby and Happy grab there stuff along with the ham radio and note left by Mark, and rush to the garage to tell the team. 

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